[OBSERVATIONS] TACTlCALHAWK's Assistant Warden hire-in


Understandable, and which will be released shortly.

However, I did release my intentions in my document, which I feel most people that felt “disrespected” by this event just totally disregarded,

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He did point out he’ll be discussing and building bonds with his staff in this release.

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I do admit. I kind of skimmed it because of its length.

But don’t get me wrong, I write long too.

And yes, I should get my facts right before posting by reading it all.

AND AGAIN this is like reality. People who hear an OPINION; like if someone’s opinion was “Trump is bad”, then people would despise him. Thus creating this tunnel vision of not listening to ANYTHING he says, only to other sources which are against Trump.

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Great point, tunnel vision is exactly what is happening right now, and I and the HICOM at DOC just want people to be open to change and give a chance.

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Thus is why I wished that the command members didn’t go full on public with their views, such as FSP HICOMM.


Another edit: Using FES announcements to post your own opinion on a controversial subject is just plain rude and can be seen as abusive.


Right. If they went full public without developing ties, people would despise it all.

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I hope I’ve helped you change your decision here, feel free to contact me on discord if you’d like to talk further.


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Understood. I appreciate your time fully. Again, my observations are still the same, as with ANY TOPIC LIKE THIS, hiring from the inside is USUALLY better,


a new set of eyes, new ideas, and non-biased decision making can lead in a good direction.

I certainly still have trust and faith you will do DOC good, like I did prior to this document, however I started this conversation to be made known to others who don’t understand. Great conversation.

You as well @Gibson_SG

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If a mod could lock this to keep it from getting flooded with off topic or rude statements, that would be great. Would be a shame to have a good conversation get flooded. @anon54114525 @Straphos @Nehxtro

Edit: Unless mxtt wants to keep it open that is, its his forum.



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I do think you deserve a chance. I’m sure you’ll make us proud.


Thank you

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Where you said it catches the people it “Affects” off guard, you realize the only people complaining is everyone except DOC… Right? It’s mainly kids from FSP, dumb citizens, some FNG personnel, and some GO’s… Only person from DOC i’ve seen complain is Koyoto, but in a RESPECTFUL way.

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@anon54114525 @Straphos @Nehxtro I completely agree. This should be closed immediately. I merely intended a nice conversation to better understand the situation and to make others aware. If anyone has any further comments,

DM me


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yeah you too, you’re welcome.

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Forum closed at request of post creator.

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