New WaterLostic Situation


It has just occurred to me some new things regarding the Ex-Superintendent WaterLostic. I am curious about your opinions and observations on the matter. Please voice your opinions in the comments.


It was in the mid-december time that WaterLostic was removed from his position by Governor OfficerVideoGame for misconduct in the department. (Demoting iJake to prevent investigation, firing him then re-hiring, etc, etc.) After doing this, Tommy, Director of DPS, recruited him to DPS HICOMM almost instantly.

Current Situation

Flashnal, Ex-DPS Deputy Director was recently fired, allowing WaterLostic to become the new Deputy Director… fishy…

Not only is he now the Sub-Cabinet of a department, but he is the Sub-Cabinet of a department that influences/monitors other departments LIKE THE ONE HE WAS REMOVED FROM.

Does that even make ANY SENSE WHATSOEVER?

Water didn’t care to go through the investigator ranks, he was just “free-ranked” if you will in DPS, now he is the Deputy Director. If Tommy retires/is removed… Water is PROBABLY now the head of YET ANOTHER department, because I bet the governor will see him as the best option in that situation.

I have heard many people’s personal opinions on Water and through his time in Firestone, it was a rough ride for people because of him.

Conclusion/Ending Statement

I, in no way, mean to specifically target WaterLostic. Don’t get me wrong, he is doing some things behind the scenes of DPS, maybe good, maybe bad, but it appears to be helping. However, in the sense that we are giving him so much power ALL THE TIME is VERY suspicious, if not, treasonous in the sense that he is not letting anyone else have a chance to show they can do better than him. Right person at the right time folks.

To conclude, he has, yet again, a sub-cabinet position in the course of 1 month. Is this all part of a big thing? Is this a coincidence? Thoughts? Ideas? Statements? Connections? Against Me?

Please let me know in the comments. I am enthralled to get a discussion going and to maybe even uncover more.


Middle Class Citizen and Former Lieutenant- Mxtt_Bear

DISCLAIMER: If you are going to start talking about shit or saying “flash being fired isn’t fishy” etc READ THE WHOLE THING. If you read the whole thing, you would know what I am talking about… This is for discussion, so please don’t tell me to "stop the shit"


did u get fired

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No I resigned because of the stuff you know is happening in SCSO…

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welcome to firestone, where if you have contacts, you will get a hicomm position!


wait whats happening in scso

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Please stay with the topic here. If you wanna know, DM me.

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Flash was fired for reason that are classified from a investigation from FBI. I don’t think that flash getting fired is fishy.

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Read the whole thing fella. I never said flash being fired was fishy. If you even read the title, you would know WaterLostic is fishy.

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This is really stupid

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I would like to add in, if Tommy resigned Water wouldn’t become Secretary the Governor would have to nominate someone. Which I don’t see OVG nominating Water for another department, but when we do get another new Governor then they might nominate water, at this point I don’t think its a big worry of water being picked.

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There is no point of saying this unless you got beef with water

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At this point in time, I think water would be picked, with all of the events going down.

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ya uh theres gonna be some bias highkey

js it is p weird

i liked flash tho he was good

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:eyes: -fbi

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:eyes: -SCSO

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Your an Idiot

That isn’t how it works. He becomes Acting-Secretary with limited duties to later become Dep. Secretary again once a new Secretary is selected and approved

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kinda surprised no one commented on that part yet :eyes:

:eyes: -DoT


I know how the system works. Im not a fucking idiot. My point being, because Water has been a past head, I am just seeing him being selected by the governor as the “only eligible candidate”. Want me to rephrase it for people who can’t understand?

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*you’re an

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