New WaterLostic Situation

considering other things, water is now about as toxic as xkoyto

sorry for being late
i like how everyone talks about water but no one knows how fucked over i got
nominated for super>declined>renominated>about to go through but FSP HICOM turns on me and puts in bad words>ovg retracts nomination>dragon nominated and skips 3 ranks>dragon says i can stay as colonel>same day, fired because FSP HICOM doesn’t “trust” me.

just saying one-day im nominated another im fired.

still wondering what i could have possibly done to not be good enough for super or rather why my HICOM turned on me.

oh well. im still salty bout it, but i could care less who leads fsp as long as they do a good job.


Now Water is acting secretary of DPS.

thank you for making this, you have given me an opportunity to rant about this guy.

Lets start off with the fact that I got SCSO Captain. You see, I got SCSO captain to go there and help them, but Mr. WaterLostic here got heavily triggered over this and tried investigating me.

The fact that WaterLostic, the biggest freerank enthusiast himself, is now going against freeranking is what makes this whole thing a meme. I hope everyone knows that WaterLostic was freeranked to FSP Lieutenant, DPS Deputy Secretary, and he was interested in being freeranked to SCSO Captain.

This proves that not only is waterlostic has been freeranked, he’s also quite a hypocrite. I’m sorry, but you can’t enforce something that you’ve done more than I have.
WaterLostic has also been biased in his investigation towards me by calling other SCSO High Command members “biased” or “corrupt” when they don’t agree with him. Sorry, but from what I recall, investigators can’t use their own personal thoughts and views in investigations to come to a conclusion. If WaterLostic was barred, given a warrant, fired from FSP superintendent; why is he DPS Deputy Secretary right now, and why is he investigating me for something hes done?

Water, you really ain’t fooling anyone. You even decided to ban me from FSP Discord when speaking my opinion, you don’t even have any power in the FSP Discord? Really, nobody cares that you created the Discord, you don’t have any power so I don’t see why you think it’s alright for you to enforce rules.

Slander me all you want, facts are facts, and you cannot hide behind your position of DPS Deputy Secretary.

straphos out
drops mic


Did someone say free rank?

My point proven. Loving it.


He also tried taking DHS IOS job by investigating people and cracking on criminals and no one got mad, then SS for SCSO comes out and everyone’s triggered

SS for SCSO no longer a thing tbh never liked it

Aight just gonna touch up on some topics.

Me Being Fired
Me being fired had nothing to do with the FBI, nor is it fishy. I was a member of that department for a long time, and I had my opinions on some of the high-level staff (Tommy). I didn’t exactly express my opinions in the best way possible, and I was therefore fired.

Water Becoming a Deputy Secretary
I didn’t see a need for a second Deputy Secretary. Tommy wanted one. I was managing the department fine, along with Tommy, and I had been for a long time. It started with TACTlCALHAWK becoming a Deputy Secretary and then resigning to become an FBI employee.

There was an agreement that 2 deputy secretaries aren’t the best thing, and we stuck to that for approximately 24 hours. Tommy saw a need to hire one, even after we had talked about it, so he hired WaterLostic.

(EDIT): I opposed Tommy’s Ideas, Water didn’t, making him favorable.

Firestone Public Safety History
It was me, who was the FIRST secretary of the fine department. Fed didn’t like my ideas, so he fired me and brought in WaterLostic. Simple as that.

My Opinions on WaterLostic
For my personal opinion on this man, it’s not very good. WaterLostic has common sense, which is great, but he lacks understanding, experience, and general knowledge about his current position. He quite often disregarded what I said (when I was his co-worker), and often was against my perfectly fine ideas.

His lack of understanding and experience shows in MULTIPLE aspects. He often mixes up operations that are clearly laid out, and he can’t write a Directive. His attempt to write a directive to control promotions under 45 days failed miserably, as it holds no legal effect on any department.

The man is a giant hypocrite.

IJake15’s Situation
Listen, since I’ve got nothing more to lose, let me dive into this too.

WaterLostic has influence in Firestone, as high ranks almost everywhere he went. He SINGLEHANDEDLY turned every member of the FSP high command against Superintendent Nominee IJake15, and I even went along with it. He was mad because he got fired, and IJake, (someone in his mind, who shouldn’t be getting the rank) got nominated. Yes, this does make me part of the issue, but I regret it.

I fear the day he gets the chance to become a secretary again. I am in no way perfect, nor was I perfect, nor will I be, but I had the HIGHEST approval rating from every single high command staff, averaging around a 70% last time I checked. Not one time did either Water or Tommy get above 60%.

I sure as hell did a better job than he’s doing,
And if given the chance, I’d do a better job again.


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Speaking of WaterLostic you should see something spreading around soon enough from now :eyes:

speaking of investigations, welcome to the convo

tl;dr: firestone is corrupt. come in the ng discord, we’re basically all on the verge of leaving.

I love when people start shit about me, I find it hilarious. I’m not even gonna respond to continue fights/arguments because I don’t see anything good in this state anymore. Hell, life is so much more important and better than this damn game.

All I gotta say is if I were never fired from FSP Superintendent, none of the bull shit would’ve ever happened. You can hate me, you can love me, I don’t really care.

To hopefully make things better, I’m just gonna man up and apologize.

Straphos: Look, I get you hate me after my actions, and it’s gonna be hard to forgive you for your disrespect, but I want to apologize to you for my actions towards you, but I am going to forgive you. You have my respect, and I hope you carry on the duties as SCSO Captain greatly to make the department great again like it used to be. I believe in you, and I can see great improvements being made very soon.

Flash: You still have my respect, and like I said to Straphos, you may hate me, and that’s your opinion, but in my eyes, you shouldn’t hate somebody for not agreeing with your plans. Other than that, hopefully we can still be friends, rather than enemies.

Mxtt: I don’t get why you like to start shit all the time, but it’s your right, and I get that. You have my respect, you know that, and I hope that tensions lower as time goes by. Regarding my positions, FSP Superintendent to DPS Deputy Secretary, I don’t see how that’s fishy, seeing how I was DPS Secretary previously, and having public safety knowledge as an ex-Secretary and FSP Superintendent. Seems legitimate to me in my opinion.

To everybody else: Sorry if you have ever been offended by me, but I try to make things right in the way I see they should. Maybe I should see the public’s views rather than my own, which I believe would make for a more successful outcome. Hopefully no more backlash will occur, but I would rather make things right than worse.


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Dont bitch about straphos getting a well deserved promotion to captain when you were also free ranked to deputy secretary…

only god damn difference between the two ‘promotions’ are staphos is actually doing something useful…

for a department thats supposed to help out us you sure are targetting scso

put your big boy pants on, get what ever grudge you have with scso done with and start doing your job…or i garentee that impeachment will pass

on top of that your bitching about staphos getting captain


I don’t see how saying “well done on this position, I hope you do well.” is bitching?

I guess you’re one of those who would rather make the problem worse.

@WaterLostic The way your targeting staphos about captain… i suggest looking at the screenshots