Make the Supreme Court Bigger & More Suggestions

Good day. As some of you may know, I am Uncircuit, a middle class citizen. Lately, I have taken some time to think about the Firestone Judiciary.
I have also reviewed the Constitution, which states that there should be seven justice in total, counting Chief Justice Float.
I find this unfortunately weird, because right now we only have one Associate Justice. We should probably find more people to serve as associate justices of the Supreme Court.
Additionally, I have seen a proposed bill that would impeach Mr. Chief Justice Float. I do believe that in order to avoid such events in the future, the chief justice should be allowed to write opinions more often, rather than just editing the Trello and voting on the cases.
Finally, as stated a few months in this discussion, Enhancing the Courts, I believe that the Firestone Courts should have clerks- but only for the Supreme Court Justices (once there are more justices). As the Supreme Court takes more time of writing opinions, I believe that clerks can help add ideas for justices when writing opinions for cases.

Those are just my two cents.

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The supreme court doesnt need that many justices realistically in firestone

Nor do I think they need clerks

But, I believe they should host more mock trials for JITs…

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Our justice system has a lot of flaws. Some can be fixed. Some can’t.


@anon89270917 I do agree with mock trials. I personally enjoy them and would like to attend one when possible.
Specifically though, about the justices, the Constitution specifically stated that there should be six associate justices so…
Not to say you’re wrong, I was just basing my opinions off the Constitution.

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The 7 requirement has never been met under any CCJ in state history. The closest we got was four on the SC under American. Plus, we really only need like three people on it. The CCJ does write the opinions, everyone on the SC adds in what they want and agrees. We also don’t need clerks. I’ve spearheaded about a 1/3 of all SC rulings, they take like ten minutes.


I know that the CCJ does write opinions, but lately it seems like both you (when you were an AJSC) and Chris have written most of the opinions. I don’t want for another “bill” that calls for the “impeachment” of Float, because I know he has been a great CCJ.
Just suggesting that he should do more opinions often, so that these idiotic bills that call for his impeachment don’t spring up repetitively.

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