dont u hate it when u r at rw appts and someone taser snipes you from the roof of sparks snow?
do they even reach that far
yes they do
tasers suck (its like 7 irl years old) env said he was going to port a v3 one which was scrapped into v2 but never did sadly
doesnt need to be frp if they just fix the range but support regardless. most leo’s apply common sense but you get those few that still do this stuff so yea
like don’t type support
anyway there is taser range in v3 so just wait for v3 rather than more updates making v3 take even more time
I’m pretty sure it’s already FRP to commit taser sniping
i understand but from the way it looks rn, v3 is gonna be a little while
its not,
Well, in post they tell you to not tase snipe…so its more common sense than anything
yeah but if someone does it, they cant be punished
Oh rip
no 5char
i wanna know
cause just “no” doesnt help at all
Personally, I’d say no. Tasers work on a straight line rather than a DHS K9, and it’s quite simple for someone to move out of the way which can be a pain. If you can taser snipe then good job because its very hard to hit someone accurately at a long distance