Letter of Proposal to the CGOC

Dear Chairman and fellow members of the Congressional Government Oversight Committee,

I hereby request an investigation into Governor Butsworth, alongside an investigation into the County Executive Elections of December 2018, which may be found here. I believe Governor Butsworth may have committed voter fraud to elect a certain individual into the elections. I make this accusation based off of the fact that voting was never announced on any platform that is in relation to the State of Firestone. It was randomly announced that voting was closed.

My evidence:

This is without a doubt suspicious and I request an immediate investigation into the Governor and the County Executive Elections of December 2018.

Thank you,

Representative JamesDitomosso




Similar post to the ones previous.

Also includes an answer to your theory.
If you have a problem with this lock, Contact me via forums or discord at Samm#1111

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