Ladies and Gentlemen, This is SWAT

When a gun is fired, usually a person’s first instinct is to run away from the gunfire. Instead, the snowman appears to, take this lightly, but purposely run directly in front of my gunfire. He could have ran to the right more, but instead he ran at an angle that would put him in front of my barrel instead.


Again, your deliberate efforts for making it seem like it was entirely the victim’s fault is going decay.


I mean it wasn’t a HRS, If it was a HRS then fair enough


Again, completely unavoidable. You have the right to believe what you want, but between the 9 rounds that I fired and the 5 seconds the situation happened in, I couldn’t have done anything different. There’s a difference between me shooting into a crowd of people and killing someone and someone deliberately walking in front of the barrel of my service weapon because he wanted to act hard towards a civilian. Good day.


And if it was a HRS, why the fuck y’all going to his window like a traffic stop? and If it was a traffic stop, why the fuck y’all parked like its a HRS?


Right, the snowman was out of his car and almost in front of the gun at the 0:06 timestamp of your POV video, you could’ve taken those actions into consideration and analysed the surrounding before going mayhem on that trigger of G36C. Again, this is something SWAT claims they excessively train and prat ice to perfect.


We are not obligated to show our suspects our proof of probable cause except in the court of law. If you have a huge issue with how the Operative gather’s information to then compile enough proof on the grounds of Probable Cause then you are free to sue them, no one is stopping you.

You need to understand the Operative saw the Blue SRT as threat as the crashed into the Operative’s vehicle with intent which later hit the Operative himself. In reality this instance would spark everyone to hold their ground while the officer handles the situation. The Operative felt necessary to discharge his weapon to stop the person from being a threat. No where did anyone command the Passenger in the traffic stop to leave the vehicle and confront the person who Vehicular Assaulted. This later caused the Operative to kill the snowman as he walked into the line of fire.


I don’t agree with the force you used the first time that blue SRT hit you, the second I do


There is no “right” or “wrong” way to set up your vehicles on a traffic stop… Firestone has that all wrong. If you pursue law enforcement in a real life capacity, you’ll learn that. The driver in the vehicle stated “want to be kidnapped” however I didn’t have enough to do an HRS. I was speaking to the driver about his intentions and I had no probable cause to make an arrest.


And I’m sure ridiculing a law enforcement division over the forums is the perfect way to do that.

If this was the point of this post, you hypocritically defy all of that - There is no criticism whatsoever in your main post above. In fact, I’ll go as far as to say that your post does “expose” - but I’ll also say that it goes as far as to portray SWAT as a danger, bring the community against it.

This wasn’t random. She clearly asked as she was being arrested. You’d also think that the accused has a right to confront their accuser.

You portray this as if the division doesn’t give a fuck about firearm safety, but I’m more than willing to bet you don’t know shit about fuck for the v2 guns, and I’m probably right. If you did, and you knew what it takes to be an officer, you’d know this:

B) Server-client coordination.

As I said earlier, this post serves nothing but to drive the community against the division. Seeing that ALL 3 VIDEOS are all about ONE employee, clearly you have an issue against this person. Left to me, I’d say you’re not actually man enough to confront him, which drives you to place the blame on a bigger target you can actually manage to hit. Even if he did do wrong, this post is nothing but a catalyst to civil unrest and toxicity.

Stop this shit.


And as much as it was unintentional, it sucks to say that its still negligent homicide


If I’m criminally charged for negligent homicide because of 9 rounds that i fired, 3 that MAY have hit the suspect, but due to “desync” it’s not 100%, then so be it.


cough cough POST ‘teaches’ HRS and Traffic stops do they not???


They do but this was neither. It was a quick contact.


Am I supposed to see something wrong besides you being a little butt hurt?



Not tryna attack you and if it does come out that way I apologise. However I don’t agree with the way the whole sit was handled in my opinion, that’s all


I understand. The video shows me shooting at the blue SRT, which 2k_niahh is known for doing. As you can see, her ramming my car was completely intentional as she was opposite lanes, and then veered over and rammed both vehicles, mine and a civilian. I suppose everyone has a different view on what may be acceptable when it comes to that.


swat is cool. no one is losing hope in swat. its epic. neptune is epic. you just need to stop being salty, creating a forum post is definitely one of the things you shouldnt do, it just makes yourself look like a clown


Just drop it, if you’re charged for a brain dead snowman walking into your gunfire, whoever is “charging” you is just as brain dead. Good day.


Yes, the forums is an excellent platform to shed light on wrong doings and discuss ways to improve that, community discussion? Isn’t that the point of Forums?

That is indefinitely the purpose of this post, if I wanted to bring the community against SWAT and cause unwanted unrest in the community, courts and DPS is the way to go! Instead I wanted to create a forum post to shed light on such wrong doings and the behavior that’s being allowed recently.

By randomly I meant, being random in selection of making such the victim of slander, if I wouldn’t have said that, it could easily be pointed out that the previous heated interaction between the victim of slander and the officer could’ve been the reason of such targeting.

Unfortunately, the individual’s efforts of grasping division’s attempts in improving firearms safety is weak. The point of knowing whether or not I know what it takes to be cop is irrelevant.

Funny you say that, last I remember, SWAT loves to claim their team efforts and achievements as a team, but when it came to the point of criticism and wrong doing all of a sudden now you want to bring in individualism? His previous ignoring of constructive criticism and ignorance pushed me to creating this forum, I was in fact “Man-enough”, but that served no purpose.

I wasn’t the victim here, I was not affected a bit by this, yet I’m the toxic one? Any day in your world sir!