Ladies and Gentlemen, This is SWAT

The all glorious tactical unit of SCSO, SWAT.

You would think SWAT is a very mature and professional tactical division with only the best in it, think again, they like to get immature and unprofessional too!

You would also think they’re here to help the citizens and bring peace to Stapleton County, oh no no no, they like to slander and cause defamation resulting in unrest in the county by randomly telling arresting suspects specific individual snitched on them! Think again when you say you can trust the officers of Firestone! (For evidence reference, the person wearing all black and helmet is mark)

Oh what? You also thought they only kill criminals and are caution when using their gun? Sorry you can start to loose all hope in SWAT. They seem to kill innocent civilians and open fire fully automatic weapons with no regard of cross fire and civilian danger. They’re swat, it’s ok!

Ladies and Gentlemen, This is SWAT.
(Use any evidence on this post for anything you’d like)


i dont understand sir pls explain more


Not entirely his fault… smh the kid legit walked to guy that va’d him and ended up walking in his line of fire. its not us that mess shit up you money hungry and toxic people just like ruin rp sometimes. if the kid va’s you dont go running up to the driver like “yOu wANnA fIgHT?/” like no leave space.


Forgot to mention! They have loopholes around our “Bs”!


Here comes his SWAT buddies doing everything they can to protect and place a blind fold in front of their eyes to avoid seeing actual evidence presented.

Who held the gun? It’s his responsibility to make sure it is safe to open fire a fully automatic weapon in public.

I wasn’t the victim, nor the FRP’er here, and I’m the one who’s toxic? Okay Senior SWAT operative, thought you were the smart one.


DPS Arrival… t-10 minutes


LOL im dead… “safe to open fire” he probably had a safe line of fire until he pulled the tigger and the snowman guy came outta no where. ever heard or desync.


The angle in the last video makes it look worse. I apologize that I hurt some of your feelings, however the toxicity coming from criminals makes LEOs irritable and on edge.


we going to ignore the fact that she frp’ed


I mean in that video what grounds did you have to unload a mag into the blue SRT? Curious


Too bad your dead, check out the video he posted from his POV, the snowman can be seen walking towards his line of fire in the span of react-able time. Stop covering up for him and making excuses for his crime of Negligent homicide.


Matt, you are in DHS, you are well aware that repeatedly ramming a vehicle is grounds for using deadly force. What she did warrants the use of deadly force.


Aoruson, the video clearly shows me ceasing fire, however by the time I did, it was too late. The snowman was most likely down to very low health


Its not excuses its the bare truth. No one gave permission for that snowman to come out, no one gave him permission or told him to get on top of the SRT. By the time the snowman was in the line of fire he was dead within seconds due to how close and how much damage he took.


Also, if you look at the video frame by frame. I fired 9 rounds in total the first burst, 6 of which did not hit the snowman.


Your deliberately diverting the topic to make it seem like it was the snowman’s fault, after all, who’s the one trained to use and utilize an fully automatic weapon? Who was shooting? He had enough time to react only if he wasn’t so focused on killing the SRT driver and paying more attention to his surroundings which I heard SWAT is excessively trained to do.


No fucking shit. That’s what happens when you write something like this.

I’m not saying whatever they did was right or wrong, and quite frankly I don’t give a fuck - but don’t take it by surprise that the division you accuse is gonna defend themselves against your accusations.


I understand we’re trained on crossfire, some situations are completely unavoidable. The snowman’s movement was completely unpredictable as well. I ceased fire when I seen him walk in front of my barrel by which then it was too late.


it is his fault, no instructions or commands were given to him to hop out the vehicle like an idiot

because he couldn’t contain himself, his stupidity led to him being killed


That’s exactly the problem, no one wants to promote criticism and encourage highlighting the wrong doing of others, making things worse and not giving room for improvement, honestly I don’t give a flying fuck about their insults towards me, not like I’m joining SWAT one day.