Keep MattSixtyNin in the House of Representatives (2025-1)
Statement & Introduction
Hello, Citizens of this great State of Firestone,
I am MattSixtyNin, and I am ecstatic to announce my candidacy for re-election into this great chamber of Congress that is the House of Representatives. Over my past almost 2 terms in Congress, I have been proactive and at the forefront of prominent legislation within the state. If reelected, I plan to continue to submit legislation to better the House, and the state as a whole. I hope you choose me in the House elections as I will do everything in my power to pass legislation that benefits YOU, and always get the questions answered. My goal is to ensure that every single one of you has a voice that can be heard, and I will go to every step that I can to attempt to make the government as transparent as possible.
Government Department/Branch Related Experience:
- Speaker Pro Tempore of the House of Representatives x1
- House Representative x2
- Firestone Aviation Administration Pilot Operations Director
- Assistant Secretary of State
- CFTP Instructor
- Former Deputy Chief of Staff to the County Executive
- Former Assistant Law Clerk to Judge AydenJulien
- Former Associate State Attorney
- Former RPD Sergeant
- Former PDP Corporal
- Former FSP:ASU Pilot
- Former POST Instructor
Commerce-Related Experience:
- Thug in Charge(Owner) of Firestone Fried Chicken
- Assistant General Manager of Carmine’s Restaurant
Certifications & Awards
- POST Class 33
- Rotorcraft Pilots License
- CFTP Certification(and CFL license)
- County Executive’s Award for Excellence
- Governor’s Citizen Medal x2
Thank you for reading my speech if you did. I hope that I have your vote this election season, and I hope to be given the continued opportunity to represent you within this great state. I hope everyone reading this has a blessed day. Contact me with any questions about legislation or even getting involved in politics within the state!
Your faithful representative,