Jacobbron & tjrusty for Arborfield
“Promises Made, Promises Kept”
I. About Us & Speech
I have served this city for a long time now. I have learned a few things with my time here in the City of Arborfield. You need a very strong leadership. It’s just a fact in this city. With no strong leadership = another dead city. Ever since my administration has been put in place in this city, a lot of good change has been established. That includes getting a whole new and better City Charter ratified! We’ve made a lot of accomplishments in this term. Why don’t we continue it on?
Vote the right choice, vote us.
My Experiences Within the State:
- FDPW Supervisor
- FDOBW Water Technician
- Arborfield City Councilman
- House Representative
- Founder/CEO of Firestone Transit
- Arborfield Mayor x1.5 (Incumbent)
I would like to say how honored I am for Jacob to choose me as his running mate. I couldn’t accept the offer and faster! Anyways, I see hope for the City of Arborfield. Ever since Jacob has been Mayor of this city, there’s just been so much success, and I believe that me and Jacob can make even more success with city. That’s only if you support us. I believe with my knowledge with municipal executive positions, legislative positions, and legal positions, I am more than suited for this kind of position. If you would like to see what position’s I have been in, refer below:
My Experiences Within the State:
Redwood Mayor x2
Redwood Dep Mayor x1
Redwood Aldermen x3
Arbor Mayor x1
Arbor Dep Mayor x1
DOCM Deputy Chief Inspector 4 months
- Arbor City Attorney
- DOJ Public Defender
- BAR Certified Attorney
II. Public Outreach Ideas
I’m going to do the same ideas from my last campaign, which was establishing a more stable and firm communication with our local businesses, working with businesses to do mass roleplay events, working with our police agencies to do mass roleplay events and to attempt to establish briefings with the police agencies, etc.
The only new thing I will be adding to our public outreach ideas is doing what I did in my very first term, but I didn’t do it in this current term, is Monthly Approval Polls. It gave me and my administration an outlook what the public thought of the new administration and was very helpful, so I shall continue to do it if I get elected back into office again.
III. Our Agenda
Please bear in mind that we realize we could have completed some of these tasks during our previous term, but we would prefer to wait until we have more time to ensure that we complete them properly and without rushing.
- Continue making a in-session game for City Council (almost done)
- Continue making the mayoral decree and setting up Trello boards for the Mayoral Library
- Making Monthly Administration Reports a thing again and enforcing them to be done by the deadline
- Making a website for the City of Arborfield which will show upcoming events within the city, a feedback section, a place where you can know about my administration and the city council, and so much more
We will have a lot more things as time goes on, but these four (4) are our key objectives to fulfill over our term (if we get elected into office).
IV. Conclusion
If you’ve been tracking what’s been going on in the City of Arborfield right now, you know that my administration has made a LOT of important changes. We would like to continue seeing that for the City of Arborfield. If you agree with us and our plans for the City of Arborfield, then make sure you say “support” in this post. Thank you for reading this.