If you don't want to join SCFD - why?

For anyone who’s just come across this thread please note that no one can see what you voted for the poll.


I understand your point but I don’t see to many people all jumping at once to get on team whenever there is a pager or even just to shift. It used to be in the days Mack ran it and Zip was Chief and Swag was Deputy that people would actually hop on team and stay on for strenuous amounts of time but you don’t really see that anymore. I get it’s a lego game and all but it’s suppose to be a destressor and nowadays it feels like a major stressor. I dropped all Firestone groups because I just couldn’t deal with it all and then the irl fun stuff I do.

Moral of the story, it’s a lego game and people have lives. But people just don’t find SCFD really fun anymore and all the OGs are gone so it makes it boring and under the administration I just don’t see any efforts to revive it.


I agree that pager requests often aren’t responded to but I regularly see people staying on team for quite a long time. Someone on my company did like 50 hours of shifts one week. I think the post aes made in response to the thread shows that they are trying their best. I was on shift with zep earlier and he was saying they had a long meeting about some of the points made here and they’ve both thanked me for creating the thread as they’ve found it useful. I personally believe they are trying to improve the department and actively resolve issues as best they can when they discover them. If you didn’t read what aes said I’d recommend you do as it specifically states actions high command are taking to address issues.


Just from my experience: SCFD is fully understanding that you programmed the TC, but then again, it was rarely discussed because it was functional, so nobody cared. Every single training document, including those for WSAR, and other S&R were rewritten. Not one document had your signature, but instead the signature of the individual that took their time to write it.


stg all you’re doing range is crying that you got blacklisted and dont like change… sorry to burst ur bubble mate but times change and people move on (same way you moved onto fsp)


I was really excited to join scfd after I graduated ffa in February 2021. But when I got to the training I realized what I’d gotten myself into. Training was unnecessarily long and unorganized. It took 3 months and I blame it on zip. He just sat there letting things go. When I passed training it was fun for the first month then it was boring. 3/4 of my shift was just sitting at the station doing nothing.


it’s not that i don’t like scfd it’s just that leo is more fun


but you literally cant change them… its the most basic necessity to be able to do medical work in the field.

EMT-B is like… different airways, a few medications, and splints and c collars and stuff. its like toddlers info.


I mean I like advanced stuff but people are complaining about FFA being difficult so I’m just trying to get a good halfway point between people who want advanced and people who want easy. Sorry ly


:man_shrugging: EMS is hard, theyre gonna have to deal lol

its all good i wasnt coming at you :joy:


range your training center wasn’t even used, you added stuff that wasn’t asked for like air brakes.

Literally who cares??? Now we have to press 3 buttons before we press W, what’s the point? SCFD training very rarely occurs utilizing the TC anyway.


I was gonna argue that that wasn’t SCFD’s fault but there’s truly so much they could be doing inbetween calls to keep their personnel occupied that they refuse to do so, big rip there.


Overall, I believe SCFD needs some serious TLC and fixing, and until it gets such, it’ll continue to be one of the low end lacking departments in the state. And on top of that, FFA needs to go if they want any chance at reviving their membership.


The job of the current SCFD/EMS is mostly chat bubbles. I prefer that there is less of that and more action for example an animation keybind for cpr for ems, a psi button on the truck for scfd to press. Because who would want to always type the same things and similar questions really? Not intending to slam y’all. I went into the LEA field because I prefer law enforcement but in the real world working on getting a part time job as an EMT for first aid experience for the future. But you see for us LEOs we don’t need to rp much in this day and age for say when we just say -cuffs- which I don’t see anymore. You can’t do -tackles- on a foot pursuit because half the time, the suspect ignores it.

Anyway, my point is, giving SCFD more action than use of -checks BP- would be useful and give them a more use. Idk if it’s possible to make a machine for that for an ingame mechanic where the emt asks the patient the BP and enters it to make it have like a monitor. Anyway these are just my thoughts. SCFD is really useful for the community and gives us LEOs someone to assist with in terms of MVAs or if the firefighters and EMS need assistance from a rowdy crowd or individual.


Just saying, police being able to tackle people would ruin the point of criminals running away when they can just leap after you.


SCFD cant be trusted to run SCFA either lol it was done twice and failed twice

nor can DOH teach firefighting

stalemate there


Yea in an earlier comment I spoke about dev support. It would be really awesome if instead of a chat bubble interface than the LP15 (the shocker) gave us info so we could still converse with the patients if they’re concious. It would also help with communication between OS EMT’s because its hard as fuck to read PT reaponses when you have 3 paramedics performing various medical procedures in chat bubble form. It would also allow people under the age of 13 to put jn numbers so we can RP properly even if the pt has safechat.


It’s a realistic situation too if you catch up to them rather than just tase for fleeing. Doesn’t happen irl with the tasing issue but i also see your point


Ye, it would make sense and draw more interest to SCFD


I’d take SCFD’s fire academy over FFA anyday. Third party academies are incredibly reliable HOWEVER, I do partially agree with you. The part I agree with is that in SCFD’s current state, they are unable to supplement and run their own academy.