How woul you feel about creating a Department of Motor Vehicles in FS?

There have always been reckless drivers who just ruin the game for everyone (it’s not that realistic to see a guy doing 60 mph on a city area on oncoming lanes of traffic, doing u-turns for the fun of it). However, ever since V2 went free, there has been a substantial increase in reckless driving and overall the situation has gotten a lot worse.

So what would the Department of Motor Vehicles do and what would its purpose be?

Well, to start off there need to be a few changes made in regards to scripting in v2 so this can actually work. The following changes should be made:

  • make citizenship a requirement for buying and driving motor vehicles;
  • disable the visitors’ team ability to buy and drive motor vehicles (if they are truly interested in the game, they can always join the group);
  • disable the ability to drive vehicles to citizens whose “license” has been revoked by the DMV;

So what would the DMV’s job be? Well, the DMV’s purpose would be to review evidence forwarded to them about reckless drivers and people who are clearly unfit to drive on our roads. After reviewing the evidence, the DMV would be able to choose whether to revoke, suspend or maintain the subject’s “license”.

Now, this requires proper legislation and some scripting work, however, I believe this would be a valuable addition as it’d help us to control one of the biggest problems we face in-game.

Leave your suggestions, support and thoughts below.


This would probably bring players down a very large number, which the devs don’t want.

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I really like this.

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Great idea. Could be implemented and maintained with ease. The devs wouldn’t agree on it though.


Fergie is lazy and is working on that new map

so no


Maybe then car rentals would have a point, so visitors could rent a car, but not actually buy one.

Add Car Rentals


o o f

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Mhm or perhaps instead of removing the ability to drive the cars, they could be arrested for “Driving without a license”, there’s a lot of things that be implemented based off this idea, it doesn’t necessarily have to be how I suggeted.

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oof oof oof!

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This will never happen. This would dramatically bring the player count down as visitors would have nothing to do. If the player count comes down, they make less ROBUX. If they make less ROBUX, they won’t get much out of DevEx.

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As if visitors were helpful or useful members of the Firestone community. Have you ever seen a visitor drive properly? Have you ever seen a visitor actually RP?

70% visitors are idiots who don’t know what the game even is about, who will go around asking “how to be cop”, FRPing or logging. 20% are ALT accounts & the other 10% are the only ones who actually want to engage in active roleplay and such, and those are also smart enough to figure out how to join the group.

The objective of this department is to help reduce reckless driving, which would result in a more enjoyable and healthy RPing environment. And as I said, this thread is open to suggestions, just because that’s how I proposed it, it doesn’t mean it’s actually got to be that way, we’re trying to develop and find an effective way to make this happen.



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I may support this in the future.



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Suggested this a while back. But support. Firestone DMV

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I want this

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@DannyboyJurist Yes but if it does bring it down, I assume only dedicated and mature players would stay, which would bring back the realism from the alpha and beta stages of V2.

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