How the judicial system is broken

3 days of roblox jail, :ok_hand:

better start learning how to play the harmonica

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I disagree. The vast majority of the time we act pretty well within the bounds we are given.

Communication was poor.


Kinda explains you prisoning someone for 72 hours for 1 count of second degree murder… Sounds like a cruel and unusual punishment

You guys literally have no boundaries. You guys just use the power you guys possess in any means possible

Boundaries in the sense of what we can do in the game. And my fellow judges disagree that that punishment was cruel. Furthermore buddy you haven’t even seen abuse lol. The JB has been the least abused branch out of the three.

Yeah thats you and your fellow judges lmao. But us as citizen and even the fucking co-founder himself told you it was a cruel and unusual punishment

You’re funny! Let’s take a look at what people get for murder in real life.

And don’t try pulling the “OH WELL THIS ISN’T REAL LIFE” card, cause it doesn’t work.

Notorious your actually retarded. Yes we roleplay realism but there is a limit. We don’t prison someone for literally 3 fucking days in a game for it. There is limitations since this is a fucking video game. People die and just respawn. Meanwhile in realism you fucking die and you don’t respawn

And if you want fucking full on realism then technically speaking I can’t get charged for a case that never happend nor can I get prisoned for it since I haven’t been caught

a trial in absentia.

But do they get teleported to prison when they aren’t caught

how about you fucking read the shit

How about you fucking use your logic. If osama bin laden fucking killed shit ton of people, and everyone fucking sued him. does he get teleported to prison or do they try catching him first

“oh we have limits since we are trying to be realistic”
alright listen mr sam, you’re a criminal, get over it

Oh lord jesus.

So you just proved my point. Thank you and you may now be quiet.

i’m fine