cc: @Automationeer @DonxId @iiVortex_RBLX @ADMIRAL_RICKY @cooldudesub @Tamehkd @FoxyTheWereFox @bearzno
Hello, I am EpicXboxDude and this apology is directed to all those who were/are affected by constant toxic behaviour within the community, I have thought about my actions and decided to take responsibility of it.
I have been a citizen in Firestone for a good amount of time (since 2016) but I have only began getting involved with the community in late 2021, at the end of August I was banned from the main discord due to my unacceptable behaviour towards members, however, after the new years I continued to display bad behaviour continuously in outside firestone discords (stapleton county, fdocm, post)
I simply wanted to establish a solid business within Firestone and be elected into public office as it was an aspiration of mine since I joined in 2016.
I do admit in disrespecting Automationeer as seen in the screenshots in my government bar bill and I do sincerely apology to Automationeer for my actions, these were unprovoked and severely inappropriate. Whether or not she accepts my apology is up to her.
elected into public office
I was elected into the County Council by default in February (i think) despite my toxic campaign. I was quickly kicked out in the result of my government bar passing congress. (barred for 8 months) - regardless of my opinion being that the length is very excessive I do not blame the Firestone congress for passing the bill as I my behaviour was unacceptable.
After my bar I began to care even less about my reputation as I believed I held no purpose in the State, therefore, I continued my toxic behaviour and began committing crime. I do apologise to all affected.
I also do admit in entering the main firestone discord with an alt (znatie0), I did not mean any harm by doing this. I simply just wanted to re-start my reputation and firestone career with a different identity (I thought if I was a girl no one would notice ). This was undoubtedly unacceptable as it was a fast track to a second chance without it being earned as it should have been, however, I assure anyone who cares to know, that this was carried out independently and @Jackfruitism had no knowledge of ‘znatie0’ being my alt. I applied for the position of Deputy Chief of Staff legitimately and got it legitimately. During my short time on my alt without being recognised I applied for the DoBW and planned on joining POST, during my time, I acted in a mature manner and respected my peers in all firestone related discords, but this does not make my government bar breach appropriate.
I am working on altering my attitude/behaviour and eventually I hope to re-join the community in a positive way, if given the possibility.
Thank you, EpicXboxDude.
I want to thank those who stood by me and attempted to help improve me;
@DyingSym @AestheticallyHappy @dannybec @Clonemep