Proposed by: Senator Automationeer
Be it enacted by the State of Firestone Congress here assembled,
§ 1. TITLE
(a) This Act shall be known as, and may be cited as, the “Act to Bar EpicXboxDude from Government”.
(a) This Bill shall go into effect as an Act of Congress upon the completion of the constitutionally required processes.
(b) This Act shall automatically repeal itself 8 months subsequent to enactment.
(a) Should any part of this Act be struck down and/or declared unenforceable, then that part shall be severed with the rest remaining in full force and effect unless all is struck down and/or declared unenforceable.
(a) This Act shall be enforced by all appropriate parties.
(a) For the purposes of this Act, ‘EpicXboxDude’ shall be defined as the following Roblox user: https://www.roblox.com/users/126134235/profile
§ 6. BAR
(a) In accordance with C.I.IV.V, EpicXboxDude shall be forever and always prohibited from holding any Public Office within the State of Firestone, Stapleton County, or any other inferior governments of either aforementioned entity for the offense of misconduct wherein he engaged in unacceptable, harassive, and toxic conduct and has presented himself as a risk to the due and proper order and function of government and the State of Firestone.
(i) For the purposes of this subsection, Public Office shall include any office subject to impeachment or expulsion and all of the following: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Chief Court Justice, Supreme Court Justice, District Court Judge, Cabinet Member, Sub-Cabinet Member, Representative, Senator, County Executive, County Council, Municipal Mayor, Department Head, Deputy Department Head, and/or any elected office, and/or any other position described as ‘public office’ by any statute with relevant jurisdiction over the said position.
(ii) In the event that EpicXboxDude holds any Public Office upon or subsequent to enactment, he shall immediately and permanently be removed and ejected from said office.
(b) The State of Firestone, Stapleton County, or any other inferior governments of either aforementioned entity shall never employ, recognise, empower, or enter into any contract with EpicXboxDude. Further, EpicXboxDude shall be forbidden from owning or for official and/or legal purposes acting on behalf of the owner of any commercial entity, public or private.
(c) Evidence for the purposes of this section shall be as enumerated:
(i) hidden (it should be forewarned that this image includes the n-word)
(ii) https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/939619291517571122/939620147923144784/unknown.png
(iii) https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/939619291517571122/939620723486494830/unknown.png
(iv) https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/939619291517571122/939620855867129968/unknown.png
(v) https://i.imgur.com/BCxf3cs.gif
(vi) https://i.imgur.com/thDfT17.gif
(vii) https://i.imgur.com/BJATqzI.gif
(viii) https://i.imgur.com/cCQmK1y.gif
(ix) https://i.imgur.com/oRZ5hrJ.gif
(x) https://i.imgur.com/w6LRBgl.png
(xi) https://i.imgur.com/dCu7R2K.png
(xii) https://i.imgur.com/YqeNm2M.png
(d) No alternate account may be used by the individual who does (at the time of enactment) or did (prior to enactment) bear ownership, control, and/or regular use of the EpicXboxDude account to evade or otherwise bypass this Act or for any other reasonable, connected purpose.
Respectfully submitted to the Congress of the State of Firestone
The Honorable Automationeer, Senator from Greendale
The Honorable L_3ee, Senator from Redwood
The Honorable iiVortex_RBLX, Representative for the 2nd District
The Honorable Stamose, Former Lieutenant Governor
The Honorable ADMIRAL_RICKY, Speaker of the House
The Honorable etry_playtime, Former President pro tempore
The Honorable Wolf_RBX, Attorney General
The Honorable Ryan123Superstar, Secretary of Commerce
The Honorable Toastee_RBLX, Senator from Hillview
The Honorable cooldudesub, Senator from Redwood
The Honorable DonxId, Representative for the 10th District
The Honorable mallyvibes, Representative for the the 3rd District
The Honorable GeneralCount, Representative for the 8th District
The Honorable AlexTheAviatorRBLX, Representative for the 4th District
The Honorable ghostdeadman, Representative 11th District
The Honorable legozak0914, Representative for the 6th District
The Honorable Jacobbron, Representative for the 4th District
Mr Tamehkd, Representative for the 9th District
Mr FoxyTheWereFox, Alderman
Mr KingsRarest, Former Senator