Firestone V2 Distributing Firearms Suggestion


Greetings, Firestone! Some of you may know much, but if you don’t, my name is Jimmy. I am an active criminal within the State of Firestone, hoping to endorse a fun roleplay not only for criminals but Law Enforcement alongside. With this being said, I have a huge suggestion that would enhance the roleplay for criminals and LEO’s. If this is developed well, it will change the game massively, which I hope is done. Without further ado, lets get into the point.

Lets keep it simple with this, but I will give my views on this suggestion and some ways conflicts can be resolved if this suggestion is introduced into the game. This suggestion would be the ability for LEO’s and criminals do deal and distribute firearms/or weapons, whether it be automatics, semi-automatics, etc.

How would these weapons be distributed or dealed?

  • A way a criminal or civilian would distribute a weapon would be by having a hotkey or GUI function that would allow them to drop the item.
  • When someone is killed, they would drop certain tools on the floor, which someone can pick up. A cooldown can be put in place for this.
  • A lot of individuals may be skeptical on the ability for Law Enforcement to be able to distribute weapons, but if you think about it it wouldn’t be so bad. A way a law enforcement can distribute weapons’ could be dropping the department issued weapon on the floor with a hotkey or GUI function, or placing it in someone’s inventory when conducting a search (this function could be added).

What perks would this bring into the county?

  • With a new department being set in-place, Firestone Bureau Investigations, they would have the ability to further on investigate individuals, etc. They would be able to have that department specifically for dealing with these types of firearms, gangs, dealing, etc. Looking at Intelligence Office now, we see more of them patrolling as they were a normal FPS officer with a couple of more tools, seems boring to me.
  • Criminals will have the ability to further on roleplay dealing weapons. For example, someone could sell these weapons at a cheaper price, or make money off of them as a lot of people do not know any of the paws locations (illegal gun dealer). Citizens would be able to deal in ally corners. With this being said, FBI would have a enhanced operations dealing with these gun dealers, making the department have more of a purpose.
  • There is many charges and laws that are set in-place for the unlawful distributions of a firearm, but the game simply do not have these functions. This means the laws are useless and will have no purpose, if something like this is not added. In addition, our law makers will have more laws to make as many of them do not know what to put in place in the county. This means they may add ‘corrupt’ or unfair laws into the game. The laws that are useless currently, are located here and here.
  • With such update being introduced into the game, this will grow the constant player rate in the state. If we look at other states, such as Mayflower, they have a steady and bigger player rate, but is not bigger than Firestone. Such an update would attract lots of people, which overall will grow the state at an exponential rate.
  • This would make LEO’s want to be more online, as there would be lots of action in place. Recently, there has been a lot of resignations due to the inactivity within the county. Simply, the county is boring not only for them, but criminals alongside. Its quite boring having to respond to the same calls over and over again. This would make everyone want to play, increasing player rate said above.

No this is a bad idea, what are some solutions that can be placed to prevent this function being abused?

  • A lot of people think this whole forum post may be a bad idea, but I hope to change your mind with these simple solutions.
  • One obvious solutions, may be putting cooldowns in-place. For example, if a cop has dropped a gun for civilian to pick up, they could be put into a 5-10 minute cooldown for dropping guns again. This would prevent rogues to massively drop guns. Alongside this, it would give FBI more time to find this solution and bring it to justice.
  • Another way this would not be abused, could be not dropping any weapons in any safe zones, such as Car Dealership. This would allow people to spawn their cars in peace.
  • No Public Employee or Law Enforcement would not be able to drop any other tools, besides Firearms. Having someone dropping handcuffs, is very un-logical.
  • Certain guns could not be dropped, such as M4A1’s. This would prevent the function being abused, as these types of weapons are for military-use, meaning they are very powerful.
  • A lot of people may think exploiters may deal with this in the wrong way, but there can be set game functions put in-place. An exploiter may find a way find to bypass the cooldown, but a anti-exploit script can be put that would auto-ban them, if it detects it. In addition, a script can be places where you have to be a Firestone Citizen+ in order to deal guns. I highly doubt it would be easy for exploiters to constantly get alts into the group itself.

I would like to personally thank you for reading my post and taking it into consideration! If you support this, simply reply with a “Support” on this post itself, or message me on Discord: opvtion#0001

I hope this can make a change into this game and grow. Once again, thank you so much!

Best regards,

j1vmmy, Firestone Citizen & Criminal


basically mayflower??


Not necessarily.


support, seems cool



for the people saying “it’ll be abused LEOs might mass-dispense weapons”, if they’re MASS DISPENSING them to the point where its gamebreaking the founders would be able to ban ig

but again, if it doesn’t get added it isn’t a 100% necessity so like its ok


then the founders will add a dispensing log


Support. It will give everyone an extra thing to do.


exactly, so it doesn’t get misused to hell


The founders/scripters can add a cooldown set in place, so it would be a pain to mass-dispense all of this.


but lets be honest here, this is probably not gonna happen. “sAvED FoRv3”




no cool down. like i said before, there is a mass-dispensing log. if a game moderator looks at those logs, anf sees very suspicious dispensing logs, they can investigate.


support need an lpd dealer in v2


This would ruin the point of FBI, because no cop would dispense guns knowing that they’re logged. A lot of people are afraid that Game Moderators will give this information to FBI.


I am pretty sure that wouldn’t be allowed lol.

also to note: if anything else is added to V2 it’ll just end up EXPLODING so dont get ur hopes up

more things = more lag


mans grabbing supports like hes running for government


so you’re basically telling me, that a cop in their right mind is going to go on-duty without a firearm. that’s basically suicide. and it doesn’t ruin the point of the FBI. the FBI has no job with this. the dispensing-logs is specifically a moderation thing, not an RP thing.


They would have a department issued weapon, but if they felt like it, they could deal. This means they can give guns to criminals.


okay, so if you look at it. department members will have there department-issued weapons. but those weapons would be dispensed. and if someone abuses the dispensing, like I said the moderator can investigate. but for criminals, it’s different. they can dispense guns from the dealer how many times they want, it doesn’t matter. criminal dealers, won’t have dispenses logs.