Tomorrow, April 1st, is the 3 year anniversary of Firestone. It’s crazy to look back on all the time that has passed and realize how long it’s really been since our humble founding all those years ago. I just want to thank everyone who has put in time and effort into this community. All differences aside, I appreciate every single of you and the work you do to keep this community thriving. We wouldn’t be here without you guys, so seriously, thank you.
To commemorate our 3 year anniversary, this thread is going to be dedicated to throwback photos of our first game, Stapleton County V1! If you have any cool throw back photos, post them on this thread for our newer members who have never experience it, or for our older players who want a bit of nostalgia.
I’ll throw the first photo in the mix, an old one that we took back when I was in the Sheriffs department as the Undersheriff.
(alexduskthorn, yonce_babes, MissedDeception, Stepkama15, R0BBYM4GIC, TommyT22, Rojawc, and myself)