Firestone Rifle Association: Inaugural Competition

Oh yeah! The first ever Firestone Rifle Association Competition is starting today at 6 PM EST!
Do you want a chance to show off your amazing marksmanship, while making some money at the same time?
Come on down to the Iron Sights Shooting Range at 6 PM EST to have a chance of winning!
For anyone who wants to spectate, you’ll have to pay a small fee (we can legally do that) in order to spectate. If you don’t want to pay, go away!
If you wish to compete, you’ll also have to pay a fee. It’ll help to be a Firestone Rifle Association Supporter in order to get discounts!
The winner could get anywhere from 1,000 dollars to 3,000 dollars depending on how many people show up!
Don’t miss it!

(This advertisement was sponsored by the Firestone Rifle Association. The Firestone Rifle Association is not responsible for any cancer, aids, or brain damage after reading this advertisement. The Firestone Rifle Association reserves the right to refuse service to any individual at any time for any reason.)


don’t have a cfct because they are hosted every month and I missed the one from a few days ago because I had to go someone so wish I can come but ya

You can spectate if you want.

Paws is loaded with weapons. Don’t recommend going there though.

We have some thinks to bypass that.
We’ll have 1 or 2 LEO there stationed to check CFCTs/backgrounds, and check what kind of firearm the person has (without being searched). During the competition, everyone will be watched closely to see if they transition to an illegal firearm, which I see no point in.
This is just to help minimize the amount of accidents that may occur.

Some weapons are sold at both the legal and illegal gun dealer sooo

I know, if you have a CFCT, and have an AK-47, we’ll assume you got it at Paths, instead of Paws. We wouldn’t be able to tell.

I don’t think Path’s sells Ak47s

They do
just for a lot of money

Why buy an expensive ak from paws when you can buy a cheaper one at path’s assuming you have a cfct


dont ask me
some people are dumb

Not surprised if they received cancer from this advertisement.

try using banner ads :wink:


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Let me point something out: The legislature passed this law - A Bill to Recognize the Iron Sights Range for Recreational Purposes

So you can’t restrict access to the range.

@1superchris2 you better talk with commerce as they granted FRA the deed to that land.

I find it hilarious the simplest department has managed to bone it up this much.

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Commerce has balls I didn’t know they had

Now can commerce sell us the deed to the car dealership land

We’re moving locations anyways.
V2 can’t handle people in a place with less parts than the damn car dealership.
We’ll be doing the competitions in a different game w/ different guns, mostly so it makes it easier to judge.
Also it’s funny how a law made 2 months ago can somehow override the constitution and the Commerce Act, fuckin funny as fuck man.
Also, it’s not the simplest department. We can barely do anything, and with the more laws that come in, we’re losing more and more of our abilities.
By V3, Commerce will just be a badge, aka still a department but with no power to do anything.
Firestone at its finest

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