Firestone mods need REFORM

bobo, you were literally seeking attention constantly in the disc server, once you got banned you constantly made stupid strawpolls asking if you should come back. You changed the documents literally 5 times in total and kept making documents as if it affected any of us in any shape or form, ONCE IT WAS YOU LEAVING, THEN CALLING AIRPLANE CORRUPT, THEN BEGGING TO BE UNBANNED, ETC.


ok then


i agree


can we talk about how 1. I don’t know why I was banned so long ago 2. the fact that I was banned so long ago, and 3. the fact that im almost a legal adult and I’m still banned. I’m pretty sure I’m not fucking “trouble making” anymore and find a permanent ban from the discord (which im not even sure I have or not (if anyone could find out that’d be great)), more of a permanant ban from Firestone, due to the lack of communication I can receive. Even with this new discord that mimics the announcements (thank you so fucking much @Philip_Forth) it still feels I’m disconnected from Firestone, even though I’ve been in it for a couple of years. More transparency would be nice.


1 word gabe.



you’re saying that like it’s not like 5 people lol


I believe that you can appeal, by DMing a co-founder. That’s what happened to me, until I found out that it was just a kick. He said I would be put on probation, but then realized it was just a kick and I didn’t need probation.


You can appeal game and discord bans here.


If you genuinely expect the Discord Moderators to be practically emotionless, and let people degrade them with hateful statements while we’re supposed to “stand by” and let it happen, then your expectations are extremely unrealistic. People don’t like the Discord Moderators for the sole reason of, we enforce the rules. You like us up until it’s you getting warned, and then you expect to get exemptions from certain rules. You, Ash, should know this. We’ve taken notice of you on multiple occasions attempting to get special exemptions and free passes when you violate rules, and you expect us to bypass the appeals system to remove moderation actions taken against you, so you can stay in the Discord longer. There’s been other situations where you yourself, has been banned, and then magically unbanned less than an hour later, funny how that works. Dispute my claims if you wish, call us corrupt, call us overly emotional, call us over reactive, call for reform, but don’t be surprised when the direct messages you’ve sent each of us Discord Moderators get released, showing your true colors and the special privileges you seem to hold in the Firestone Discord. It’s sad that you think you’re not only entitled to being held to a lower standard than the other members of the community, but then you go out of your way to berate us and make it seem like we’re out to target you.


wrong. nobody is above the rules well except the head developer+ as stated. i don’t mind being held accountable when justified and which both my warnings were UNJUSTIFIED in my opinion. when lidels banned me on my accidental postage of a certain picture that was justified and a mistake. once i explained my story to a certain individual i got unbanned promptly because i have a good track record of behaving myself decently in the discord and my long history of dedicated service to the state. and i have a TREMENDOUS respect towards yourself and your service as governor and in law enforcement you are a good friend and I’m glad i had you to talk to when i was governor and needed guidance. i will NOT demonize those who are moderators in the firestone discord even though i believe you people could be doing a better job of understanding and leniency. it was not my intention for you guys to receive all the hate and backlash resulted from this post i just want change and more moderators because you guys are stretched very thinly which can be VERY difficult for a discord of 6k people. i do not doubt you do your jobs to the best of your abilities but i believe some motivation has been lost within the ranks as this is natural. the bottom line is it’s a lego group and game and you guys are all very bright individuals


Your entire statement quite literally affirms what I just said about entitlement. You’re held at a much lower standard than the other community members, how is that remotely fair? You posted porn in the Firestone Discord, and then went on to berate Lidels for banning you. And then, without an appeal OR receiving probation, you’re randomly unbanned.

At the end of the day, this all boils down to being friends with the right people. I’m just saying, don’t be surprised when you’re held to the SAME standard as everyone else by the moderators, and not the founders. How is it fair that you’re giving extra chances, and other community members aren’t?


woah, this is a long thread, very nice


wrong. you yourself are also an entitled individual in the firestone discord and i am sure you are “friends with the right people” because you have a track record similar to mine. and i assure you i was NOT surprised that I was held to the SAME standard as any other individual because i already am on the same standard in the discord. i was merely disappointed with myself of my mistake and lidels did his job as i previously stated.

by accident being in this jolly community for 4 years causing little to no problems i think you realize it was not intentional and i wouldn’t classify that specific picture as porn more less something that shouldn’t exist




something that shouldn’t exist, keep it natural


For the sake of not creating any more tension, I’ll cease my argument here. But I stand by what I said, nonetheless.


i appreciate your wisdom and i am sorry if things may have gotten twisted sometimes the words arent expressed the right way


ok from scrolling through the 146 comments i say it is time to close this thread, the toxicity is getting too high and to be honest i should’ve closed this yesterday as little to no productive discussion is occurring and it’s strayed to shitting on the mods