Firestone mods need REFORM

Firestone, for as long as I can remember has been running on a 3 warn, 3 kicks you’re out. Now I’m not saying that system is bad, but it isn’t good either. I believe that a moderator’s role is to keep the chat safe and civil, but to also be forgiving if someone makes a mistake.

I was correctly banned for leaving the Firestone discord to avoid a ban (and promptly rejoined five minutes later). Most of my warnings from my memory were either spam, or another rule. I was banned two years ago this August.

Do I think people should be held accountable? Absolutely! But I think there’s a difference between warning for every slight rule violation, and major, 100% rulebreaking content. The current 3 strikes you’re out rule, I feel encourages moderators to warn as it doesn’t really matter until the third kick. I think loosening enforcement and lowering the “barrier” for a ban would work better for everyone.

I’ve had to work around being banned, and being banned from the main discord makes a huge barrier to see game related announcements, you always have to get announcements second-hand.

Personally, I would like to see appeals for discord bans. We’re all victims of our own stupidity, and learning from our mistakes makes us better.

~ skyee#1004