Fed has been doing certain things to this community that we disagree with. Small things really don’t change us that much and we usually get used to it. Now here’s the thing with fed that he just announced.
“I feel a large part of SCFD’s member problems are due to the overdone and ridiculous training requirements that make it incredibly difficult and near impossible to get people into SCFD. This is coming from me to simplify and remove unnecessary information from the training instructions. Although the initial detail was good, it’s too hard. Making it easier will get numbers up for SCFD.”
-FedoraMasterB98. First and Foremost, I believe, as a former firefighter, and current EMT-B cert, that EMT-B is not at all hard, and it’s basic first aid with some spinal stuff that you should know. Yes, EMT-P is complicated but nothing near what fed describes as “near impossible”. That aside, most of the firestone community wants FD as secondary. Fed says that the reason SCFD has low members is because the “near impossible to pass training”. First of all, that’s false, because, in the poll I did, most people who left SCFD were joining an LEO dept. THIS MEANS THEY’RE ALREADY CERTIFIED AND THEY PASSED THE “NEAR IMPOSSIBLE TRAINING”. Fed is acting like a dictator and announcing his opinion rather than the facts and statistics on why people aren’t joining FD/leaving SCFD. There have been many polls about this and most people disagree with fed. Please vote.
- Agree. SCFD Should Be Secondary and Fed is killing FD.
- Disagree. SCFD should remain Primary and Fed is Right