I need to begin with some DISCLAIMERS so that I am not eviscerated. I appreciate what we have been given over the past year. Obviously we don’t have to get anything. I appreciate the hand-me-down helis we didn’t need to ask for. I appreciate our wishes of an F-150 being fulfilled. I appreciate the ATC stuff we got. That being said…
I notice everyone and their mother is getting some really bomb ass updates. FDOT just got a whole ass new BUS! On top of that truck they got with all the placeables. I see FDOT also just got a new whole bus depot in redwood… That’s nice so that their bus stuff can be more popular than it was that’s fine no biggie. But bruh like I thought okay we’ll get stuff in V3. Umm, I have my doubts? Fed has said to us that FIA (if that even becomes a thing. Judging by the V3 progress its never finna happen) would be a sub-game to V3. Aka, empty 24/7. Aka, never gonna be used. And that’s only IF it ever happens.
So I see everyone else getting really dope updates. And while there are OTHER DEPARTMENTS well deserving and in need of updates… (SCFD I seen your complaints) I would like to also be on that list. Unfortunately, nothing will really pull the FDOA out of the mud except a rather large and difficult update. Talking an airport with like planes and stuff. Like helis are cool and all but they not finna keep everyone happy. It also doesnt help that our entire service is useless. I made suggestions before on how to fix that and the most useful suggestions were swept under the rug. Like I don’t want to sound spoiled here but some of the stuff we’ve gotten just seems really half-assed. It was cool for like 2 weeks and then it was essentially pointless.
“You guys aren’t even active.” Yeah it’s pretty boring. Like to the first time flyers its pretty fun. Then its boring as hell to fly around county with no one in your heli. Part of it is that both our heliports are in the most desolate cities places. Another part is that the helicopters are essentially useless as a mode of transportation. Once you arrive in prom or arbor, your car is still in the other city. We used to host the FDOA Expos but people stopped showing up so it wasn’t really worth planning out every 2-3 months just to kill it.
Again I don’t want to sound spoiled but I am trying to advocate for the department here. What we’ve got is not enough for the department. The dream would be to have an airport in county. (Small, regional) with perhaps C172s and maybe CRJ-200s so we could have legitimate airlines do flights in the county. That’d be pretty badass and perhaps bring new people into Stapleton for the first time. C172s could be used by civs. I understand this is an incredibly tall order, but you get nothing if you don’t ask. And it can’t be half-assed either. It can’t be done half way and then left to rot. It’s like if Jon Taffer or Gordon Ramsay went into a shithole bar/restaurant and then only did the remodel but the food/drinks were still shit.
Again I don’t want to sound spoiled. I don’t want to sound ungrateful. But it’s really annoying when you see everyone and their mother getting really cool shit and you’ve been in a constant state of idle for years and years and years. Im glad everyone has gotten cool shit. I am. DOBW has purpose. Businesses are thriving (for the most part), and departments are getting really good updates with lots of stuff to do. I just want my department to have a larger role in the state. Not be made fun of for “oh lol fdoa” “are you guys even active” “who cares about fdoa” like that shit is annoying. We used to be able to clown on DOBW for being slightly worse. Nope. We are bottom of the barrel now. Maybe Department of State is lower but that’s like idk what you can do for them.
drop some comments down below lmk what you think. maybe you have better solutions to our woes? maybe you think im a bitch for making this thread but let me know.
fr dont mean to sound spoiled, ungrateful, or a complainer but this is like stuff