Executive Security Unit Act 2022


October 28, 2022

Executive Security Unit Act 2022

         Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Firestone in Congress assembled,


    (a) “An Act to Protect Our Line of Succession” shall be defined as: An Act to Protect Our Line of Succession.

    (b) The “Firestone State Patrol” shall be defined as: Firestone State Patrol.

    (c) The “Executive Security Unit”, or in short “ESU” or “FSP:ESU”, shall be defined as: Executive Security Unit.


    (a) An Act to Protect Our Line of Succession shall be declared null and void.


    (a) “Key Officials” shall be considered as those in the role of: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Speaker of the House or Chief Court Justice.

    (b) The list of Key Officials may be amended by the Colonel of the Firestone State Patrol, however nobody in the roles as specified by subsection a may be removed from the list of Key Officials.

    (c) “Protected Officials” shall be considered as those who are current or former Government Officials, or Gubernatorial Candidates, who have been deemed worthy of protection by the Executive Security Unit. The Captain and Lieutenant of the Executive Security Unit may amend the list of Protected Officials at any time for any reason(s) they deem plausible.

    (d) The Executive Security Unit shall be required to protect Key Officials, Key Officials may waive protection at any time no longer mandating ESU to provide protection to them.

    (e) The Executive Security Unit shall be tasked with the protection of those labeled as Protected Officials, Protected Officials may waive protection at any time.

    (f) Key Officials may be forcibly transported away or into a location for their safety by ESU without any trooper involved being charged with any crime that would be in conflict with this section. Key Officials may also be followed and trailed by ESU without ESU facing any legal repercussions. Key Officials may not have their protection suspended or revoked unless the official themselves (as they may be lawfully entitled to by other statute) orders their or another’s protection be suspended or revoked.

    (g) Protected Officials may be forcibly transported away or into a location for their safety by ESU without any trooper involved being charged with any crime that would be in conflict with this section. Protected Officials may also be followed and trailed by ESU without ESU facing any legal repercussions. However, should the protected official state they are waiving protection, ESU shall not be protected by this Section until such a time that the protection is requested again.


    (a) The “Detail Commander” shall be the law enforcement officer in charge of providing protection in a given situation.

    (b) Should an active protection operation on any official be taking place and said official is in a public area, ESU shall reserve the right to ‘lock down’ property. Access to the property which is locked down may be restricted within the following parameters;

        a) The property being locked down is only being locked down to reasonably protect the official.

        b) The property being locked down is not majorly inhibiting the travel of the public.

        c) The property being locked down remains in this status for as little time as possible.

    (c) The Executive Security Unit or any department or unit assisting ESU shall reserve the right to request citizens consent to a search and to show their name before entering property that is locked down. ESU may not force any citizen to consent to a search, however may deny them entry if they do not consent to a search. ESU shall reserve the right to deny any citizen with a weapon (legal or illegal) into an area that is locked down. For all intents and purposes, any official being present on such property shall be an ‘emergency or threat’ as described by Article 5 of the Constitution.

    (d) ESU is mandated to be conservative when using this power and shall be expected to employ this power only when absolutely necessary.

    (e) Only the Detail Commander may invoke this power. Other on duty law enforcement may be restricted from entering the property by the Detail Commander, without the Detail Commander committing a crime when this power is invoked.

    (f) This power may be invoked on private property, only with the consent of the owner of the property.


    (a) ESU may violate any and all traffic laws without penalty in the name of protecting an official in an emergent situation where;

        a) There is a low chance of any citizen being injured because of traffic laws not being respected.

        b) There is a direct and immediate threat to an official being protected where using ELS or driving on conventional roads would greatly exacerbate the threat, or where utilizing Emergency Lighting System could pose a threat.

    (b) ESU may violate parking regulations without penalty in the name of protecting an official.


    (a) Upon the completion of the constitutionally required processes, this Act shall not enter into effect before December 1st, 2022.


    (a) Should any part of this act be struck down and/or declared unenforceable, then that part shall be severed with the rest remaining in full force and effect unless all is struck down and/or declared unenforceable.

Chief Sponsors:

L_3ee, Speaker Pro Tempore


Mega_Goalie16, ESU Captain
connor8033, Representative
killingkoas, Senator
Noobsiance, Senator
FrostEspresso, Representative
SirCalebXVI, President Pro Tempore

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