EMT poll

In the interest of gaining more information on what you think about the current Firestone medical certification program, we have created a brief poll. Please answer all the questions to provide us with the most information. If you have any comments, please write them in the comments below.

Do you hold an EMT certification? If so, what type?
  • No EMT certification
  • EMT-B
  • EMT-I
  • EMT-P

0 voters

Do you hold a hospital certification?
  • No hospital medical certification
  • Technician
  • Registered Nursing
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Medical Doctor
  • Licensed Physician

0 voters

If you do not hold a certification, do you plan to get one?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Possibly
  • Already hold a certification

0 voters

If you do not hold a certification, what is preventing you from getting one?
  • Too difficult
  • Too much time
  • No interest
  • Already hold a certification

0 voters

If you hold a certification, or are planning to get a certification. Which would helped you, or would help you to get your certification easier?
  • 1 on 1 tutoring
  • Simulations
  • Group notes
  • Reference documents
  • Other (Please leave in comments)

0 voters

Should you hold a certification, or plan to hold a certification. What would you use your certification towards?
  • SCFD
  • FDOH
  • Civilian/Law Enforcement
  • No use

0 voters

Thank you for providing your opinion. If you have any comments or suggestions, please leave them below. We are happy to take any feedback provided. All information provided in this poll will be used for FDOH, and FFA to increase productivity, and attempt to create better pathways for people to become certified in medicine.

Secretary of Health
Firestone Department of Health



  • Easy references for certified personnel
  • Downsides time during training
  • Allows to focus on practical training
  • Increased incompetency due to people misusing itā€™s purpose

Group Instruction:

  • Easy/Hard depending on formatting of notes
  • Increases time in training
  • Increases competency and mental retention
  • Allows to test better on practical knowledge with fresh notes.

DOH should be hosting regular EMT-B and EMT-P classes


I feel like there should be more ways to get an EMT certification than just FFA, I like how there FHO did first aid classes a while ago, I just wish there was something like that again but for EMT certifications.


I believe it would be easier if there was another way to get the certification(s), besides FFA. Something that takes less time (if possible).


Unless FFA change something currently how they teach is difficult to understand.
I was in Class 25 but got extended to Class 26 and I still fail, out of all the training from POST, DOT, & DPW, in FFA I was more dedicated however the EMT-B was very hard to understand because we we did was just review notes but I didnā€™t understand what it was actually saying. Last week I completed a American Cross First Aid/CPR/AED and I now understand what those Training Officers were trying to tell me. If I had to say itā€™s that visual notes like video of someone doing it in real life would be a lot better than to see some guy say checks rr and Iā€™m here telling myself how do you check rr, I know many things are different but it would help to see someone doing it rather than just repeating the notes.


If it wasnā€™t 2 months, or if there was a different method of getting one I would sign up.


I think that reference materials would definitely be helpful for obtaining a certification and then for use when actually executing the taught skills. Youā€™re not gonna memorize everything off the bat. Having a Trello, for example, to reference for updated, accurate, and organized notes would be incredibly useful.

Edit: I also think that handing out reference documents and then going into VC to explain each part and work through any questions is a better method of medical instruction than copy+pasting notes into an ingame announcement. It facilitates better learning, and also takes less time.

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The issue is there is no business that can do that without DOH approval, so itā€™s either FFA or DOH (FMA), FFA doesnā€™t like SCFD doing any training and DOH (FMA) I hasnā€™t been functional for years now. The only really steady way to get a Med Cert if FFA yet they focus less on the teaching aspect and more on read the document do practical do the exam. And businesses such as FHO can only do first aid certs.

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The issue is, FFA to get EMTB you just do session 1 which is learning the basics of SCFD in basic terms, session 2 is then EMTB, if you are going on to get EMTP you then do the two practicals and the exams. I feel it could be shorter if we managed the time better and didnā€™t do certain pointless exercises throughout the training. And again to me saying no one other than FMA, FFA can give out medical certifications, yet FMA hasnā€™t really been running for just over 2 years nearly now and businesses can barley get approved to put through first aid certs let alone be able to do higher level stuff.

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I see several issues in the medical community today:

  • Time it takes to obtain a certification
  • Not knocking anyone but calling it as it is: some people have massive egos that consider anyone non medical as being ā€˜dumbā€™ (its a problem irl too but still)
  • Amount of information thrown at a candidate for licensure within the timeframe for certification (basically they read off of a document and have to know a 100 things within a few hour course)

Now granted I think the DOH/FMA and FFA do a wonderful job with their attempt to educate the public on matters pertaining to medicine and I want to applaud them for that. They face challenges such as: lack of tactile learning (you can only do so much via a computer screen), language barriers, time commitments, etc.

But, MY opinion is that while they do a good job what I stated above seems to be a common reason I am hearing from people leaving or not even joining the medical community. So, my suggestions are as follows:

  • Remember we are not training surgeons to operate irl
  • Dull down the curriculum so that people can really enhance and know a few things rather than have to know a hundred and ā€œkillā€ a patient every time they touch them
  • Open up a bridge course for those in the medical field irl
  • Think differently about the public (not everyone has this issue but a few do)ā€¦ changing the way you think changes how you actā€¦

I do want to reiterate: thank you for everyone in the medical field here for what you do and I wish you luck in your future studies.

You are great and enhance this state I am merely providing my prospective so that we can enhance this state further one act at a time. If I am wrong let me know but this is my view point as an outsider.


I think a big part of this is looking into stuff in your own time as well. You donā€™t understand what something means? Find a video and watch someone demonstrate the technique or explain the concept for you. Yes, itā€™s going to be hard for someone with no experience, but they need to put some time into it on their own. When I first started with the Roblox EMS stuff, I was surprised by First Aid and EMT-level information because I had never seen it before. I wouldā€™ve said the same things youā€™re saying. However, itā€™s very possible to learn stuff like this. Thereā€™s way more of it in real life. Roblox communities already give you an abbreviated curriculum. Thereā€™s not much more they can do to dumb stuff down. What it really takes is interest and drive to comprehend and memorize the material on your own time, outside of some Roblox session.

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Yes that is true. But, not many people do that. So I suggest we have a level of competence to obtain and stick to it (and not pass anyone who doesnā€™t know the information) or we need to lower our standards.

Iā€™ve seen multiple multiple people who have a license not know this informationā€¦ so thats why Iā€™m suggesting that we need to adjust our standardsā€¦

the question that really comes down to my mind is: should we be trying to take at min. 22 years of education and smush it into a few hours (for MDs)ā€¦ or a four year degree into a few hours? Or should we give folks a taste of medicine and stick with basic first aid/EMT-B material and really have folks get a good base?

If folks had a good base and knew the material then they could walk into their irl classes with a heads up on other studentsā€¦ again its hard to teach stuff onlineā€¦

butā€¦ I think we are up for the challengeā€¦


Yes, curricula may require reforms and malpractice should be strictly enforced, but I am speaking to your statement that we should further abbreviate the medical courses.


Thereā€™s a lot of issues within the Medical community, however change comes with backlash which is why nobody does anything about it. Our new curriculum is more in depth with the information and written better than the old one. This will include videos, demonstrations and even diagrams. A lot of people join FFA with an aspiration to get into the fire/medical field but canā€™t always complete it due to having some sort of mental block, which Iā€™ve directly worked with people on multiple occasions. With these new changes, staff will be directed to change with my new plans I am putting in place.


well with the new curriculum iā€™ve tried to minimize the amount of ā€œdiggingā€ that one would have to do on their own. videos are provided whenever possible, but other than that i agree with what you said pretty much.


well i mean itā€™s really up to the student to reach out for help ā€“ i will admit that the old curriculums were bad but you canā€™t just say ā€œi didnā€™t understand it!ā€ on a forum, when you didnā€™t say that during the session. now idk if you did ask for help during/after a session but it doesnā€™t sound like you did.


idk about these ones chief

iā€™ve taught using those whiteboards, and when we throw a shit ton of information onto kids and expect them to be able to do it a few mins later is unrealistic. itā€™s also difficult because you donā€™t have time to study it before your session. i also donā€™t see how it increases retention? itā€™s the same thing in a different format. i donā€™t see how reading them on whiteboards is much better than reading it on a google doc. itā€™d also be much more difficult to pair the appropriate visuals with their respective content.

how do you misuse a document??


You shouldnā€™t be toxic, but it must be frustrating to have someone who canā€™t maintain a reasonable level of RP. Maybe an RP guide would help?