From everything I saw it was real, not a joke.
Even if it was a joke you don’t go “haha kill him and I’ll pay you $5” then pay them the money after they kill him…
From everything I saw it was real, not a joke.
Even if it was a joke you don’t go “haha kill him and I’ll pay you $5” then pay them the money after they kill him…
Very fair
the question of whether its legal or not is simply out of the fucking question at this point
the fact that the FBI even thought about pressing someone for their personal venmo transactions is simply fucking stupid. One could probably argue that it’s against roblox or discord TOS
so before we even continue arguing about the roblox legality of the situation, lets consider the real life factors that come associated with it
fucks sake
offering $5 to kill 1superchris2 (irl) (payment after completion) (dm Cuxle with evidence)
idk what happened but afaik they just asked for who he paid it to – not really personal – and not a violation of TOS
if you have genuine concerns about user safety you should bring them to founders rather than grandstanding on a public forum either way; from experience i can say going to the forums is always a last-claw attempt to PR someone into doing what you want
They couldn’t have been prosecuted, they weren’t mirandized
arguably i’d say its invasion of personal real life privacy but that’s just my opinion
They couldve said no cause its personal info, I dont think that FBI can bring charges on that (cc: @1superchris2 if im correct)
True auto
after the discussions over the past 20 mins i’d argue that the FBI doesn’t give a shit, and the ss that I posted earlier really proves my point here
(sorry I cant quote the whole post is an image )
Could you post the imagine in a gyazo link, cant read it
Your correct
who said fears have to be based on truth
for instance butsworth is standing at your front door with a knife about to kill you for being against the oil industry hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide
Again we did not receive personal info but because of where the screenshots were taken and it’s not collected for public release it’s not being released…
Your information and assumptions are wrong
please reword this
hes saying that they’re only legally required to release information if its collected for release, and that they did not receive personal information
not taking sides; superchris is just bad at explaining things
We don’t have people’s irl bank info or name… never have and never will…
But because of where the screenshots were taken it’s not being released…
mk that works
still tho kinda sus