Hello to all, for those who don’t know who TACTlCALCANADlAN is, he is the Secretary for the Department of Public Safety. The title speaks for itself, Secretary Tactical was caught committing crimes around the county. One of them being reckless driving for a whole hour and 30 minutes.I could remember by memory a few days ago when former Sheriff Straphos resigned. He said something about DPS Secretary TACTlCALCANADlAN. This is what he said,
Well, maybe this will change your opinion about TACTlCALCANADlAN. The following will shock your mind…
Two counts of hit and run
Reckless driving
Obstructing traffic
Excessive honking
Continuous donuts
(To be continued)
Listen, the people of Firestone. This man is suppose to prevent these types of issues and ensure public safety but yet the man himself is committing such crimes and calling himself, “Secretary of DPS”. What kind of secretary is this? Corrupt, not honest, and a criminal. Is this the kind of Secretary we want? He is careless and doesn’t do squat for anyone but himself. Unacceptable in the eyes of a citizen and surely unacceptable in the eyes of the people of this wonderful state. You would believe a man with this much power and respect would help out the county and make it a better place for all but yet this man is destroying the reputation of DPS. Evidence can be found below:
I would also like to spread awareness to the corruption in our executive branch, the past week for Firestone has been nuts. We had numerous of important individuals resigning, corruption by former Governor Butsworth and false assumptions by department heads. Governor Butsworth and, which is ironic, HIS group of friends have made an attempt against a group of citizens and government officials using false accusations and lies to cover up HIS mistakes. Manipulating our beloved citizens with such capricious sources. I am sure that we have had enough and that it is time for us to stand up and demand change. Time for us to shutdown this corruption, time for us to make Firestone the best it will ever be. Many documentaries were released about the incident including resignation papers, we were able to identify the false ones and the true ones. We are yet to know the real reason behind the executive corruption. Nor will we if we are not able to come to an agreement. Restore. Power. To. The. Firestone. Bureau. of. Investigations.
i’d like to say sorry to the people that hate snitches
and yes, i reported it and recorded all of this, dev made this post. a good thing.
People keep doing crimes, and they try to hide it, which is why even if it’s a good person in the community. I still snitch, because I am about the law, not about popularity, I got hate for what I did to fob, I expect hate for this one. Anyways, this is the truth, as dev posted. Thanks for reading what I said and what @DevMartavis said. Now you know the truth. Thank you.
Senator JasonBourneAxis
do not worry we’ll just add insult to injury by making a very fancy formatted document with all that he’s done and send it to house making it look like we put in some effort before you guys got it
okay well he drifted in a parking lot, calm your titties, all jason does is just witch hunt, when you go ride with tac and laugh about it the entire time, then go behind your back. dont get my wrong, jason is a funny person, but hes such a fucking attention seeker, another example is him begging ss for protection, reason why he has no clearance