DOT Taxi Uniforms

Well we tried that but he kind of uh, got mad and indirectly yelled at us in FS announcements.

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Making it so DOT only oversees traffic and taxi services would be very realistic. It will give people things to do and enhance the private sector. Like many people say, you don’t see a DOT person driving around a taxi, you see a private company doing it.

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Probably not true

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I’ll stop y’all right here with the negative bullshit. This is an outstanding idea, despite my extensive time as a cabbie in the DOT, I expect that most DOT employees should wear something formal, casual or semi casual, but not something sporty, or saggy. The DOT should provide their taxi drivers with FLT Pins so they can be identified as legit taxi drivers. Here is an example of a good taxi outfits:

as you can see, some are formal, casual, and semi casual.

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I 100% support of this topic, as it is very unreal that their drivers wear heavy duty work clothing while driving a cab, which in other words is a calm work space.

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These should be the taxi unis. Affordable and high quality. :slight_smile:

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Here are more examples of formality, if casual does not meet your standards:

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Dress shirts, in coherent and classy colors such as white, grey, light grey, black, or light blue are more appropriate for cab drivers.

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I know this by memory, me being a native Chicagoan, I pay attention to cab drivers. And no, they aren’t the typical “terrorist” ones that people discriminate of. They are normal people like you and me, and wear clothes similar to that. Take in note dress shirts though.


Chicago isn’t terrorized isn’t there like a hella lot of mafias and gangs?

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Then there’s issues with activity, quality, and safety. For all we know, someone can start up a private business out of Fed’s direct control, and start abusing people and committing crimes behind our backs.

As fed has said before, DOT is under HIS direct control. They receive tools because they can be taken away easily and are for a purpose.

For a private business, each needs different needs to customize to the business. If you have a DOT company supervised by the FDOT, and you give them tools, then every private business would want tools.

The devs can’t even update tools in v2 to begin with, so why stress them out more with adding tech from private businesses.

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Commerce oversees private businesses and have a good screening process. They would require a license to even operate in the county and even after that they won’t have any tools, only cars, so there’s nothing to really abuse.

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cause like every dot employee is in a tow truck

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for fucks sake, no. That’s the fucking south side; I’m talking about the north side. There’s lot of middle eastern cabs, but people discriminate. Although, near downtown Chicago, most drivers wear similar outfits to the one I had.

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And take it from me, a native chicagoan that has lived 16 years in the north side. I fucking know exactly what methods CTA bus drivers, train operators, and cabs wear, and do. And please, do not stereotype us as “gangsters” because chicago is not contaminated by the mulignan rappers on the north side. Sure there’s crime but hey, put that away for a moment and look on the bright side; benefits, and what chicago has to offer instead of discriminating it as Compton. Thank you!

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So then, may I ask, how will

  1. Tires be pumped
  2. Cars be towed
  3. Traffic directed

if DOT is only OVERSEEING the operations and can’t do those things? If the private businesses have no tools, that means they wouldn’t have a tow (tow can move any car to anywhere at anytime), no pumps, and no cones or flares.

Are you implying only strictly the TAXI division is taken away from DOT? Or all 3.

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I said taxis nowhere did I mention those three things

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Uhm… you are implying that taxis will no longer be a service DOT specifically provides, but private businesses instead.

Let me state my question again: Are you implying that only the taxi division no longer be directly done by DOT or all 3?

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A. Not all are.

B. There are WAY more tow calls than taxi calls

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I agree, we will be doing that, but also having our own taxi/tow operations. Reason being? DOT would end up being a pretty boring department. Come on, it’s ROBLOX, we need to have some fun.

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