DOT Administration Poll

Do you approve of the current DOT Administration and the changes being made in the department?

All votes are annonymous; Poll closes on 6/30/18

  • Yes
  • No

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dislike how T9 was freeranked to safety management

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I mean t6

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did you see the reasoning or you just don’t like it?

i never seen the man in dot before I don’t think
all I know he leads training for scso

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he was never in dot when he was promoted
he was a guest (not in dot) before he got free ranked all the way to like 6th in command I think

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@Slinkising Can’t vote on poll…

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I am aware of the opinions about free ranking. In all honesty, when Straphos was ranked to Captain, I wasn’t a fan. However, my opinion has changed as Straphos has helped SCSO which was what he was employed for. As for DOT, I know most people don’t want me but due to reforms, the position was open and DOT administration thought I would be the best fit.

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at least straphos WAS IN SCSO

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he never was, he jumped from guest to captain

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no i applied and was in the group

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Should be fixed

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the new safety management never applied

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Dislike Free Ranking of @Noctilate known at the moment as T6. Make it someone that is NOT A GUEST and has done the job for a while. We don’t need someone who was never in the department running around telling people who may know more about that job what to do and then a PE getting fired because HICOMM messes up.Also says he is TTP certified, I believe he is not. This is how things happen in departments. It makes people feel like they are more powerful over everyone else. I honestly give no shits whatever the fuck the persons rank is in another department in Firestone. When they want to do something for another department, they have to work for it. And that should go for anybody. I also feel like I havent seen a lot from lots of people, Ive really only seen from @Elite_Creations , GDtay, @NinWin1 and @Slinkising

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Yes he did. He put in a long ass resume

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he was kinda but he was like prob and then captain so idk

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If there was someone capable of the job who was currently in DOT, they would have chosen them. I’m not here to boss people around like I know everything. I’m just here to do my job.

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I get that, but I feel people here have been working with FDOT for a while to get that kind of position. And then a guest gets that position. a FDOT HiCOMM position that manages the fate for FDOT and a spot in Safety Management. Id say that people have been really working towards that. That also shows weakness in FDOT.

“If there was someone capable of the job who was currently in DOT”

That means they are just filling HICOMM positions just to do it. They aren’t waiting to find someone that joins FDOT, does TTP’s and shows they are dedicated and ready for that position. They just want to make sure they have enough HICOMM and it honestly pisses me off when they do that. They are picking someone just to pick them.

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Do you know how long we went without an SMT and an OM? We waited 2 months and no one showed they were capable. Plus, with Noctilate and Duartef we have completed our new TTP and have it fully functional within 3 days. Sure, maybe the others could have done it, but if they couldn’t prove in 2 months that they were ready to be in a HiComm position then why bring them in as HiComm. 1 person was fit for HiComm, who was a Supervisor and we brought them onto the HiComm team.

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