Do you think firestone is dying? (and other questions) | Poll / Vote

sucks that I have to repeat this for the third time now

you do realize official division groups (you know… the ones made by fed) are prioritized when it comes to tech because they’re planned ideas and such. i can’t just roll up to fergie and be like “hey, scso is making a motorcycle division can we have motorcycles” … and you may say “well, that isn’t a division! crt is!” ok well if i SWAT asked for a tahoe rn we wouldnt get it

this all falls back to the concept of prioritization. things will be completed when the time comes

no… it isnt at all…

Considering we can issue a maximum of 72 hours in rare circumstances…

and that other justices useally give up to 30 for murder and such…

12 hours is pretty nice for the average joe that “accidentally” stabbed someone 42 times in the chest

jail times that are 30 mins or longer are bullshit

it makes nobody want to play the game


yes, CRT was asking for bearcats probably since v1. And now you are saying “oh prioritization bla bla bla”

I’m sure its not prioritization, its more like failiure to CREATE a bearcat.

It doesn’t take 2 years to make a bearcat

I’m sure that if SWAT had a bearcat made, CRT can have a bearcat made using the SWAT bearcat with different colors/decals and such.

But noo, lets call it a “prioritization” issue and not a “favoritism” or “i dont think CRT exists” - fergie issue.

Your logic is just horrid


Read my reasoning on why prison times are hurting firestone above.

Additionaly, adding to what @Samtella said, crime that criminals do is apart of the roleplay, and giving them more than 1 hour of prison for crime done in the county is just horrible and ruins the game.

you have no clue what you’re even talking about - if you think you can do better as a developer, fed’s dms are always open

other than that, nothing is keeping you here, no need for the uncalled negativity. none of your points within this forum post or your replies are valid

to be honest 72 hours isn’t THAT rare
i got falsely sentenced to 72 hours
those 3 hours were a pain
also it shouldn’t change, what should change is the judges power of extreme sentencing
because apperently some judges cough cough notoriousamerican like to go over the limit and sentence people for 72 hours, if u want the whole story dm me.

anyways, it should be 72 hours, if you raise it judges are for sure going to go to the max

that’s to debunk lowering or raising it, you could lower it but then SERIOUS SERIOUS criminals would get less time, by that i mean murdering all of the GOS and that shit

how are my points invalid

and i dont have to be a dev to see the progress of the game, you can see the progress of the game by playing it.

I am pointing out the problems in v2, and after running out of ways to defend devs you are saying my points are invalid.

i agree with straphos. the idea of prioritizing exists in the field of development. you have to push back updates in favor of more urgent updates.

as of my current perspective right now, CRT has no need for a bearcat, they can gather in the explorers provided to them and respond in batches quicker. your argument on the failure to create a bearcat is bollocks.

developers can change their minds. if they don’t want something in the game, they don’t fucking make it. you are not in control of the developers, as straphos said. you don’t pay them fucking directly. fed does.

he never said you had to be a developer to see the progress of the game, he said if you think you could be a better fucking developer than the people you’ve been shitting on for the past 3 fucking months, you should try talking to fed.

fergie’s statements on crt are irrelevant. you bringing up the lack of bearcats for crt is idiotic. they still operate perfectly fine without them. all you’re doing is being an ungrateful sob in my opinion

suggestions have been added to v2. and bug fixes are always added to the game to fix shit that people complain about. the developers do listen. think about how much shit could be broken as of right now. where the suspension system is, that came from suggestions. suggestions aren’t guaranteed to be accepted into the game. there are multiple suggestions that are accepted, but not all are expected to be able to be added into the county.

they have more urgent things to focus about.

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