Do you like decisions fed has created?

Well instead of banning him I think fedora and some other people in the FS community should of have requested congress to bar him.

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I mean, a line does need to be drawn. It’s just Fed is really bad at drawing that line. Fed is great at getting groups up, finding good devs, and direction in that aspect, however, the man is a god-awful, terrible administrator. He knows almost nothing about the actual functions of large portions of this group and its day to day functions, but consistently intervenes out of the blue in things he doesn’t understand or is capable of understanding, then refuses to listen to even constructive criticism with “I’m the Founder I’ll do what I want.” He seems to think the community is here for him: it isn’t. I feel if he’d grow up and have reasonable dialogues with us it’d be better. Also, his version of what’s real and what isn’t seems to located to his very specific, isolated region of Colorado. I know two deputies that work at the local unincorporated areas volunteer FD. Half my state’s legislature is practicing lawyers, doctors, etc. Some are even soldiers. The man doesn’t seem to actually do more than 5 minutes of thought and research when overruling government actions with large public support, then as I mentioned earlier, shrugs off all attempts to correct him with logic and fact.


To be fair to fed danny, the congress, courts, and others don’t exactly approach him in a manner that warrants conversation. Often time it’s insults right off the bat, as well as trash talk, and fits for not being able to do what the hypothetical “you” wants (not actually you). If you want to actually try to make a difference, you should take the time to converse actually converse not attack. Say what you want, any screenshots or proof of interactions that are public are majorly hostile. At the end of the day, this is feds game, i recognize that. As someone who has owned a community, you’re going to make decisions that don’t make everyone happy, and as a judge you should recognize it as well.


fed as generally made decent decisions and only gets involved on behalf of what’s best for the state, realism or development, but the bottom line is he is the founder. he has a higher rank and there is nothing you can do about that.

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Being a higher rank doesn’t make you more educated.


his group, has the final say

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He won’t have the final say if everyone leaves



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Next thing you know, fed takes down the legislative branch, judicial branch, and the executive branch, centralizes the government under him and take over the world
but for real, it’s fed, he has the power to exile, and we don’t wanna mess with that.


I won’t blame Fed for some of his decisions since congress used to be garbage but now it’s much better

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I mean, is it though?


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I’d love to hear how it’s not doing better.

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you should see, it’s building up really well lately.

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Thing is phillip, everyone wont ever leave as a whole. There are people who are dedicated to this community because it’s more then just what I want, or you want, or whoever wants. It’s a community that’s been built over years, one that gave people like yourself myself, the ability to connect with others, role play well, have semi realistic government RP without MASSIVE interference, anyone who tries to claim there’s massive interference doesn’t appreciate the situation here at firestone. I personally will always be loyal to this state community, and likely will NEVER play another. I’m sure there are others like me, maybe not many but there are.


I completely understand and agree


Even when’s fedora stops a state and makes a new one most people will follow him so everyone likes him even if they are against him sometimes


you aren’t always gonna like what people do suck it up he’s trying to make it balanced and do what he thinks is best for the community


do you even attend sessions? or know how congress works because clearly not if you don’t think it’s improved at least from when I was last here


I also noticed a change when I was clerk the reps are much more mature and have learned more about congress and have actually represented you, its just a fact of if they will all agree with eachother


This guys moved from a State where the founder doesn’t do no shit