The FBI has not worked, and I am telling you again it won’t work. If your reasoning to keep continually trying to bring this agency back is saying that all it needs is a proper administration to work, then please do your best to enlighten me on why the past 4 administrations have failed at their duties and has had the FBI dismantled each time.
It has never been given the power it wants to uphold because the courts and congress did not and will not give the FBI the power it wants to uphold, simply because of it’s past. Leadership has been highly incompetent but that was barely even the case. There is NO reason to have another investigative agency.
IO has a long process of doing their duties, preparing for their duties, and establishing a good balance of the power of their positions. FBI has always been the runt of the liter, and has tried to get in the way of the perfectly good thing that has been here for a long time.
The FBI’s main job is to look into government officials for corruption and scandals. CGoC deals with that, and has done a good job in previous terms. Now, the opinion of them have possibly changed in the past two months or so, but I can assure you the CGoC worked amazing under OVG, and the congress before canine’s term started.
I have not agreed on anything Canine has done throughout this whole term, I’m going to be honest, but this is one thing that I can say I am leaning more to his opinion. It boils down to the administration, and not one administration could hold their duties correctly, because the FBI is useless. Let CGoC continue their duties without a judicial puppet stepping in, and keep the investigations to IO.
I don’t support the establishment of FBI if it were to concur. It has shown multiple times that it had failed. IO and CGOC has been doing extremely well. Stop trying to resurrect the FBI.