With the recent addition of heliports both at the Department of Homeland Security Headquarters and the Capitol, it only seems fit that DHS gets a helicopter. It could be used for both Government Official transport and any tactical operations. I thought it could have a livery close to the United States Marines, displayed in the photo below; however, that is not a priority.
V3 suggestion most likely
Possibly, however, I don’t think it would take long to copy the FDOA or ASU helicopter and put on a new livery. They seem to have the time to update the capital, so I can imagine that they would be able to squeeze in a DHS helicopter.
You’d think.
If you were to do this, every other department would most likely start asking for stuff too because otherwise it’s “unfair”. Probably not smart to do this now
Considering that DHS has already received a substantial update, I don’t think this would be too much more.
It’s a great idea, so I won’t be shooting you down.
Will it get done? Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, we’ll see.
scfd needs a heli, dhs needs a heli, cg needs a heli, dot needs a heli for traffic reports, news needs a heli
SS only helicopter, I like your thinking funny man
I’m only suggesting this because they have multiple helipads already built in.
i wasnt joking
that was not sarcasm
they need helis
I can agree to all of those except DoT. What Department of Transportation has a helicopter…?
air tows
if DHS were to get a helicopter I feel like only SS should be able to use it for transportation of gov. officials
gov officials are rarely on so itd be pointless
I mean that is true bc all they can do is get taken hostage, money farm or do tours that they’ve done before lol
i want heli please.
its kinda dumb how tac units have to request for FSP to fly them in a heli when they’re doing things like classified operations or whatever they do. a dhs heli would be cool tbh