DHS - Bias Investigation

I wanted to speak to the Citizens, Tourists, & Public Servants of the State of Firestone in regards to a specific employee within the Department of Homeland Security. The employee I am referring to is CRT agent TACT1CALBR1T, and the corrupt and bias investigation that was made, ultimately the agent not receiving any consequences for his poor behavior.

I have a video which I shall present a link of, which will be labeled as “Exhibit A” of the entire situation; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N900JxjREls&feature=youtu.be

Well, I was driving down the road heading towards the City Hall, which I lost control of my vehicle and flipped, ultimately severely injuring myself. I then got out of my vehicle and roleplayed it. I seen there was 2 Law Enforcement officers who was closeby, and would likely see you know, and then would call for Emergency Medical Services. However, that was not the case. I waited 4 minutes laying down, bleeding to death, without any assistance. The CRT agent even came towards me, which you can skip to 4:00 timeframe in Exhibit A to see that, and still did not intervene at all. He was also extremity disrespectful, and I was attempting to speak to him beforehand and he completely disregarded that and ignored me and so forth.

Due to this unfortunate poor conducted, I’ve ultimately decided to notify the proper authority, to take the proper administrative action. I was then linked a Internal Affairs form, by a command member, which I made a submission to said. Conclusively here’s what was the the investigation outcome;

Now let’s go by everything, one by one;

“agent Tac did not go against policies or rules set by the Department, he continued to maintain his position that is required during an emergency lockdown procedure at a high level government building,” - So due to something of more importance your involvement requires, you should completely disregard the fact of a injured citizen laying on the ground?

" he did not render first aid under grounds of he is not allowed to by policy (has to have correct certification) as well as being stationed elsewhere, " - That’s why you fucking call for Emergency Medical Services. You don’t just not do anything, because you are incapable of treating the injured individual + Shouldn’t all DHS agents be trained in first-aid?

“, you are capable of calling for emergency services if you are able to shout for help therefore you are solely responsible for calling an ambulance for yourself.” - I’m, a injured individual, with broken bones and bleeding to death on the ground, is to rely on myself for medical assistance?

This is very alarming and concerning to me, because our Public Servants should not be exhibiting conduct like this towards the public, they are to protect and serve. Such CRT agent conduct was not only disgusting & disrespectful but overall represented the Department very poorly. Please do keep in mind, I did get him to identify himself, which you can see that at the timestamp of 4:50. Again, These are the members of the Department of Homeland Security, who sworn to protect and serve this community, who doesn’t even have the initiate to assist in a citizen who’s dying on the fucking ground. Our State Citizens & Tourists does not deserve these type of Pubic Servants, and I want justice, and I want you all to help me!

#Justice4MJ #BiasDHS


says he’s injured

also proceeds to get up and run

make it make sense


well since your legs can move call ems with your feet


not based, cringe, go to mano please
not even balls nor shaft



I got up after it was very evident to me, no law enforcement agency member was going to intervene + due to the fact, I’ve been laying there for 4 minutes. I hope, I’ve relieved any confusion that may had been initiated. And I got up, to receive the agent identification.



I got up after it was very evident to me, no law enforcement agency member was going to intervene + due to the fact, I’ve been laying there for 4 minutes. I hope, I’ve relieved any confusion that may had been initiated. And I got up, to receive the agent identification.




if im being quite honest, no one is really bothered. take this away from the forums and accept the fact that your report was denied.


dude doesn’t have the certification to help you so doesn’t have the knowledge. if he did try to help you without said certifications, he’d get suspended and/or fired for it. he’s doing his job, you should have just called EMS and perhaps attended a spelling class while you waited

high queen of antland


I totally agree with you, we will STAND TOGETHER!


Just because IO didn’t rule in your favor doesn’t mean they’re corrupt. Lets start here, should these people in a situation where someone is actually RPing the injury stop and RP. To me it all depends on the circumstances V2 is riddled with people flipping vehicles and crashing into bystanders. If someone doesn’t have the proper certifications to treat you they cannot. From an RP standpoint, it seems our departments like to aim for hyper realism and have no problem using that as a reason for busting into banks, having negotiations, and so fourth. If you’re going to argue for the hyper realism the officer could’ve taken 2 minutes out of his day to ring EMS. Frankly from my standpoint it looks like you’re trying to setup officers. I can imagine if an officer was fired every time they went away from a crash RP we’d have no police left in the State. This video is missing miles of context in the situation, how’d you crash? What led to this situation here? The officer never approached you at all and upon walking up to them you abandoned your RP and asked for name and badge, and had done so already once? Where is the one time you asked for name and badge before the end of this video? If you’re going to try to expose and make people look bad, come with all the context don’t just try to set people up.


This is the funniest shit I’ve seen all day

Shame on you tact lmao


Defund TacticalBrit


mans put in more effort to this response than the post


I demand at once the Department of Homeland Security Administration, to reopen the case IMMEDIATELY and have that agent TACT1CALBR1T dealt with!!!

@IPOX9 We will stand together friend.


We need justice! This is ridiculous! I can’t believe how biased and corrupt this investigation was.


Ok, let’s sort out the main issues here:

  1. You entered a department discord, being rude and slandering a federal agent.
  2. You broke said rules of the discord
  3. You failed to utilise the correct method of filing a complaint with the department Administration(see form already linked in comments)
  4. After being told to cease, you failed to do so
  5. You have continued to harass other members of the Department.
  6. You claim to have ‘notified the proper authority’ however, you failed to do so in the correct procedure causing issues within a department owned discord.

I also find it very strange that you have only had your account for a number of days, which highly suggests that your account is an alternative account created to cause issues. When this was mentioned to you, you became highly defensive also highlighting this suspicion.

The agent in question of your complaint, is also not EMT-B or any other kind of medically trained, meaning even if he was to be stood beside you he LEGALLY can not touch you in any way to assist you. In the video you can be seen trying to shout to the agents which are far away stationed in strategic locations in order to provide security during an event, locations they can not abandon. Now, in my personal experience, if you can shout and scream, and have a phone, you can use said phone.

Deputy Secretary Richie_Bear - DHS



You’re not only jumping into conclusions but also lying.

You have continued to harass other members of the Department. - I literally only spoke to 2 command members, via direct messages, which was a very short interaction.

You failed to utilise the correct method of filing a complaint with the department Administration(see form already linked in comments) - I did indeed had done so, prior from joining the discord server.

You entered a department discord, being rude and slandering a federal agent. - It’s not slander if it is evident.

I am hopeful, that I’ve relieved your confusion.


You didn’t want attention? Then why come into a public discord announcing your complaint in public? Why come to a public forum? Makes 0 sense.