Department of Health Poll

Hi there, I’m just wondering what people think about the deartment of health, judging by how inactive it is, I expect some kind of response.

  • Abolish DOH
  • Change DOH administration
  • Keep DOH as is

0 voters

Please tell me why you chose the options listed if you vote

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doh is useless

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Most people don’t know what DoH is and DoH doesn’t really serve a purpose unless the developers decide to add in a role play virus or disease. ABOLISH IT!

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i didnt even know a department of health existed until like right now

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I just found out it existed today.

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what does doh do?

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Its only inactive cause of Fergie. There could be useful things like hospital role-play, I know paramedics just like drop you off at the hospital and stuff.

Again, I think we should remove Fergie from secretary and find someone else who is willing to put the department to active. Not let someone pass confirmation cause their a developer


If the developers started prioritising on DoH and finished it, you’ll start to realise that DoH would become one of the most useful departments in roleplay.

They’re like unlucky young talent in sport, noticed but not pushed enough. Eventually they’ll die out, but we don’t want that!


Nothing… Its useless.

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doh is useful but inactive

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To be honest, until the developers are open to develop on DoH, it should be removed.

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listen here kiddo

why are you still in firestone


woah there sir, no need to start a arguement!

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what’s removing it gonna do, just make it that much harder and longer to start back up? it’s not hurting anything as is

we are making (slow) progress on medical exams and guides. I think i’ve been the most productive and longest-serving (recent) secretary


You haven’t hired anyone from the day you passed confirmation, not even a deputy secretary.

Horses did more then you did. I also beg to differ on this statement as well, if you show me what you’ve did for DOH, then I will retract this part of the statement.

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i mean maybe if people actually rp’ed then we could have like a working hospital system idk

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shut fuck up
вы капуста

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im serious why are you still in firestone, you’re nothing but toxic

if you would care enough to look at the group, i’ve hired about 10 people (a couple left) to help create the documentation and such

  1. Horses isn’t a recent secretary

now awaiting your apology and retraction of your whole statement please

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give 'em the old one two fergie

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Those 8 people were in DOH when before you were Secretary, I remember that cause Ash told me he got supervisory board.

The 2nd screenshot of the trello board I don’t know where that could come from, can you send me the link?

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