Department of Health Poll

dude stop omg you clearly are uninformed

and no i cannot send you the link because it is private but where else would I get it from

no google translate while I am here, sir

I see a constitutional violation in those screenshots.

that definitely wasn’t the most recent page of the audit logs

It’s really not even the first time Koyto has started issues honestly.
I wouldn’t worry about him anyways cause all he talks about is sex. @mrfergie


He talks about sex, penguins, and other stuff that I won’t describe.

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You didn’t hear it, You read it :wink:

I didn’t even start a problem sir, I only stated my opinion sense this is a poll.

And you don’t talk about penguins? Jesus you copied off of me lmao

I bought the penguin outfit before you, so I didn’t copy.

getting offtopic and argumentative