Department of Corrections Training Facility

if u ever wanna use the post campus for any training for now just hit me up

or just do training’s in v2 :thinking:


trainings dont happen in v2 cuz you dont have :m or :n access, plus possible shooters or others.

good on you guys for offering up the post campus :clap:


Not what I’m saying at all - I don’t make these decisions. Frankly, I believe that majority of DOC would support them waiting a bit for a functional facility in a few months with updated v3 tech instead of having the dev team focus on releasing a 3 year old-based training facility which would cause delays to the release of v3. I understand the problem of not having a facility, however, you can see POST is offering their campus and I’m sure if DOC has handled it for a while without a facility they can survive the final stretch before they get their v3 facility created off of their needs and desires. I am truly sorry. o7

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We were able to still do trainings in the test server, which recently closed. Hopefully we’ll manage, though.


As skeletron said, we used the test server, now we have nothing and cannot train applicants, current officers, SERT or MD.

I strongly suggest bringing it back up again… all we want is guns and the prison in a different game so we don’t get sued. It’ll take like a couple hours, a day MAX.


or reopen the test server that works too

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AT LEAST open the test server for us. That’s all we ask for if a prison training center is too much work


Seeing as this being a concern to DoC officers this could be beneficial to the community and the department. I think DoC should get an official training facility, one with tools and such. I support this.


Ya know, I’m just gonna leave this here


Don’t worry, they can create stuff for companies and add stuff into V2 but refused to make a training center for a Department that needs one!


there honestly is no need for DOC to have a training center if they have a entire base/spot


It is impossible to train people on their firearms in the County and it would turn into a legal shitshow. Tryouts for SERT are practically impossible in the County as well. With that logic, I can apply that to DPW and them being able to train in their facility in County, or DOT, and their facility yet they received training centers before DOC


This was suggested in january when v3 was actually looking good and having progress made… Well v3 basically went radio silence for a few months while V2 got a TON OF UPDATES. This needs to be brought back up with the dev team…

v2 got a race track, new buildings, a whole new department, a new robbery system, a new gun store, and COUNTLESS OTHER UPDATES. Yet this department still has no where to train. SEEMS LEGIT


you can literally train IN GAME, the departments with training centers currently are LEA’s that respond to calls all over the map, SCFD which responds to calls all over the map and DPW/DOT which do mass RPs and such all over the map as well.

DOC has a base/location, DOC employees are 90% of the time AT the base, POST teaches them how to use the tools do they not? If POST taught how to use the weapons/tools in 2018/2019, im pretty sure they would explain it more in-depth especially with the current administration for POST.


The thing is you have to take Inmates and any visitors/trespassers into account. You can’t train anything inside the cell block because Inmates are coming in and out. Things like riot trainings and Inmate misconduct are impossible. On top of that we have to lock the island down every time and still guard it. It’s just more difficult. You don’t see FNG training inside their base, do you (except for range stuff but we don’t have a range)?




like skele said, our options are limited when it comes to using the prison in v2. we need a training center to train properly.


DOBW is the same way. We can only teach towing mechanics and radio usage within the county which isn’t ideal.


Fully support. Just like almost all other departments, they deserve their own training facility.


they cant shoot in game, they can’t break laws in game, and while in game they still have a job to do with managing inmates and preventing trespassers. This is why the test server needs to come back