Criminal Alt Discussion


Recently Firestone has seen a severe drop in criminal activity, leaving a lot agencies relatively on-top of crime, as a result criminals constantly are being overpowered by LEO’s and due to this there is a downwards spiral of more and more criminals quitting/going legal.

My Opinion

Personally I think criminal alternate accounts within Firestone should be allowed with one condition, that condition being that the legal alt is not in any agencies that handle classified information.

I feel this will allow for more incentive for criminal roleplay within Firestone, including organised crime for FBI to investigate.

What is your opinion? Post it below!


a lot of former crims join non-classified agencies like scso - and obviously due to their history wouldn’t be able to join classified ones - so allowing crim alts if the main isnt in a classified agency would bring crime activity back to similar levels; which is better than what it is now


In the whitelistRP private servers, we had criminal alts and we used them pretty much without any problems.

imo i think its something that we could do, patrol units should be able to have and be mandated to register criminal alts under their main accs name. This way moderation can be parallel and alts wont be used to bypass bans.


i agree with this, although there should be a limit. i think most people would stop using their mains and law enforcement would go down


i’m homosexual so i agree


I agree with registering however that should be only for moderation to view. Departments could easily discriminate for “loyalty”


Shot in the dark here but maybe, just maybe, all of these criminals are quitting because there are quite literally 30000 law enforcement agencies in the state. And on top of that, 90% of those LEO’s don’t even roleplay, so what’s the point in even being a criminal here anyways. All you do as a criminal is shoot, kill, die, rob and repeat. Maybe we if stopped creating more and more law enforcement agencies and divisions, people would be more inclined to do crime. Allow me to briefly summarize;

SCSO, SCSO: SWAT, FBI, FBI’s tac team, DHS, DHS FPS, DHS CRT, DHS SS, FSP, FSP ASU, FNG, FNG MP, FNG CG, the list goes on. You have all those little organizations versus the few criminals we do have left.

If you really wanna solve this problem, instead of allowing crime alts, how about we dissolve some of the trillions of agencies we have or better yet, decrease their manpower to balance out the game a little more. Quite literally nobody is going to go rob a bank when the other 54 people in game are all cops.

Oh and to add onto that even more, you also have CFL holders. 90% of the current CFL holders abuse the hell out of their privilege but constantly go unchecked.


I feel that criminal alts would allow for more crime and more activity in Firestone, but there are multiple issues that come with it.

One that I can name now is that moderation will have to be more on-top of the alt accounts as this will likely have ban evasion incidents where players on their alt account get themselves a temporary ban and then get on their main LEO account to dodge it.

More issues will likely arise in the future if this was to be implemented, but we’ll see.


people already use alts for crime as LEOs, allowing it just allows them to actually play the game as a game

& for those that say that it’ll cause problems, it really won’t cause more of a problem since people are still able to use alts just not legally “” lol


I 100% agree with everything you’ve said, the game has become quite unbalanced making it extremely hard for individuals with loads of cash to do crime, just imagine new community members attempting to become legitimate criminals with no way of making money other than just waiting… and waiting… and waiting indefinitely to make cash w/o guns blazing & concrete cones being placed to stop people from a chance of escaping

& speaking of the amount of LEOs have, SCSO itself has 182 members (including 4 founder accs) which is an insane amount to have considering the amount of actual activity occurring in the county…


If you made a requirement to register alts and then just have it in a script to ban both accs


you really think the lack of RP is on the LEO side?

I can’t even go 10-8 without 100 rammers, exploiters, glitchers, and criminals who are just outright toxic and ltaa/rtaa.


the outcome of criminals being essentially pushed out & not really anything to do other then go in guns blazing into scenes after 4 years


I think it’s on both sides, yes. Most LEO’s nowadays have no intent on roleplaying. Many of them have developed the winners mentality where they’re hellbent on doing nothing but winning and coming out on top over other criminals and other LEO’s. It’s pretty apparent at this point.


It is also your opinion that Executive Order #55 infringes on the BOR.V rights against self-incrimination.

Your opinions are not unquestionable.


i know, it’s on both sides.


to be honest, we have a talk like this on forums every few months and nothing ever changes so, I doubt the conversation we have here will be any different.


Bro on god you have the dumbest takes on the forum. It’s a fucking game. Your constitution is worth nothing when everyone leaves the state because of how boring it is.


if v3 ever does drop i think that’ll help boost crime and overall activity within the state but this idea might work well for v2 idk


cops r limited on roleplay due to fedlaw
crims r limited on roleplay cuz they cant do crap

leos dont even talk in contact vc idk why they thought it was a good idea to copy SV when all the cosp there are required to use mics

crims cant do anything but va, frp, or rob banks

u got toxic crims and toxic leos