Creation of a bill and tax system (revised)

How about no! This is also unconstitutional as the Constitution states no person shall have to pay obligatory fees to the government, except for which is a punishment for a crime.

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Lets change the constitution

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Well mate, hilariously, in your recent annoying spam out of terrible ideas you have pissed off or invalidated yourself to anyone who has the power to change it, as well as other people who have influence over that process. Add that amazing history plus this terrible idea and you’re boned.


I would not want him in Congress, lmao.


tbh i’d rather just spend your tax money.


the best way to do this is just copy mayflower and give depts budgets (# of people that can be in their group at any time)

its also the only way i see this in any way shape or form passing congress

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if we don’t own houses what’s the point in bills and taxes could be realistic but being a civilian isn’t a job and you make money from that - are you supposed to like give 25% of your earnings as a civillian

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Roblox has a 30% tax system and its a game. Why not firestone

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do you mean taxes when you buy shit or taxes relating to your salary in a career

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change the constitution

The person above is trying to make this exactly real life

“change the constitution” you can’t just amend it instantly. i bet you money this would be denied in legislation and the person who proposed this would probably look stupid and maybe even impeached. and if this somehow goes through judical review the same thing would happen.

changes to constitution dont go through judicial review

hmm might’ve got that confused however it’ll still look stupid to implement this if it’s unconstitutional and yes it may add to realism but i don’t think little kids need to be worrying about if they’re gonna be able to pay their taxes in roblox and stress out over a game (if someone actually does). it’s just a children’s game lol

the 30% tax once a year can be paid automatically

and the other sales tax can be paid while you purchase stuff ingame

still unconstitutional


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