County Affairs Committee Formation Act


SECTION I: The County Affairs Committee shall be hereby formed and immediately put into operation by the state legislature.

SECTION II: The job of the County Affairs Committee shall be to serve as a primary connection between the Stapleton County government and the State of Firestone legislature. The County Affairs Committee shall advise the county, however, at the same time they shall be also be tasked with providing a voice for members within the county to the state legislature. The County Affairs Committee may be able to recommend certain actions to the state legislature and the Stapleton County government.

SECTION III: The County Affairs Committee shall contain eleven members in total. There shall be four members from the House of Representatives, four members from the Senate, the County Executive and two Councilmen/women of the County Executive’s choosing, and a Chairman/Chairwoman. The Speaker of the House, the Lieutenant Governor, or the Governor has the ability to host elections for a Chairman/Chairwoman. If the Speaker of the House or the Lieutenant Governor is a candidate for Chairman/Chairwoman, they shall not host elections. If both the Speaker of the House and the Lieutenant Governor are candidates for Chairman/Chairwoman, the Governor shall then be the only one person able to host elections for Chairman/Chairwoman. Once a Chairman/Chairwoman is elected, the vacancy for the chamber of which the Chairman/Chairwoman was in shall be filled with elections by the Chairman/Chairwoman. Elections shall not be held by anyone who is a candidate themselves.

SECTION IV: The Speaker of the House shall host elections for the members of the House of Representatives. The Lieutenant Governor shall host elections for members of the Senate. The Speaker of the House and the Lieutenant Governor may run in their respective chambers, however, they may not host the elections if they are a candidate themselves. They must delegate the task to another member in their chamber, and if all members are running, then the task shall be delegated to the Governor. Elections must be held at the beginning of each term, and whenever a vacancy has erected in either chamber. When each seat is filled and the committee is without a Chairman/Chairwoman, the Speaker of the House, Lieutenant Governor, or Governor shall host elections for Chairman/Chairwoman. Anyone in the committee may run, however, if a candidate for Chairman/Chairwoman is eligible to hold the elections for Chairman/Chairwoman, they shall forfeit their eligibility to host the elections, should they be a candidate.

SECTION V: The Chairman/Chairwoman shall be able to host any and all sessions within the committee, excluding a session to elect a Chairman/Chairwoman, whereas anyone designated in SECTION III shall host that session. The Chairman/Chairwoman shall be permitted to run his/her session according to their standards, however, each member of the committee must be given an opportune chance to speak in regards to the topic at hand. The County Executive and the two Councilmen/woman shall be able to speak for as long as they please in front of the committee. They shall also be permitted to bring with them anyone they please so long as they have relevancy. The relevancy of the person(s) brought shall be determined by the Chairman/Chairwoman, where he/she shall be able to deny any person(s) brought, however, the committee can override with a proper motion.

SECTION VI: At least once every month, the County Affairs Committee shall come together in session. The Chairman/Chairwoman shall recognize everyone to speak, and recognize themselves last. If anything is present on their docket, they also have the ability to go over such items.

SECTION VII: Any member of the committee can propose a Committee Resolution. The Committee Resolution shall only be applied to the County Affairs Committee, and can be of any request of any action the committee is able to take. A Committee Resolution must pass the committee with more than ½ of the County Affairs Committee in favor of the resolution. The Chairman/Chairwoman shall have the power to veto, however, the committee shall be able to veto such veto with an appropriate motion. A Committee Resolution shall also be able to set fourth more rules.

SECTION VIII: Any member of the committee shall be eligible to be expelled from the committee. If at anytime the County Executive is expelled, he/she shall appoint a county official of his/her choosing to fill his/her vacant seat. If at anytime a Councilman/woman is expelled, the County Executive shall fill the vacant seat with another Councilman/woman that is not the same person who was expelled. Any member of the committee can propose an expulsion. The expulsion must pass with more than ½ of the committee in favor of it, and it does not require the approval of the Chairman/Chairwoman.

SECTION IX: The following motions may be used by any member of the committee:

Motion to initiate debate on [topic]:

Upon passage of this motion, the Chairman/Chairwoman must hold the debate on the topic at hand until the committee is ready to move on from such action. Requires ½ of the present committee in favor, and does not require the consent of the Chairman/Chairwoman.

Motion to override the Chair on [any order or anything this law gives him power over]:

This will undo, or disregard anything the Chairman/Chairwoman is legally allowed to order. Requires â…” of the present committee in favor, and does not require the consent of the Chairman/Chairwoman.

Motion to close doors:

This will close the doors of the current session at hand. It will remove any individual not cleared by the Chairman/Chairwoman. Requires ½ of the present committee in favor, and does not require the consent of the Chairman/Chairwoman.

Motion to open doors:

This will open the doors of the current session at hand, and allow any individuals to watch the session freely. Requires ½ of the present committee in favor, and does not require the consent of the Chairman/Chairwoman.

Motions may be added by Committee Resolutions.

SECTION X: Any member currently apart of the Congressional Government Oversight Committee shall be prohibited from joining the County Affairs Committee. However, if at anytime there is trouble filling all seats in the County Affairs Committee and the Speaker of the House, Speaker Pro Tempore, Lieutenant Governor, and President Pro Tempore all approve, then members of the Congressional Government Oversight Committee shall be permitted to join the County Affairs Committee.

SECTION XI: The Chairman/Chairwoman shall be permitted to release any documentation in regards to the County Affairs Committee.

SECTION XII: The County Affairs Committee shall always remain fair and allow fair chances for the county to speak. If at anytime there is suspicion that the County Affairs Committee is unfair and/or unjust, the Congressional Government Oversight Committee, in accordance with the Congressional Government Oversight Committee Formation Act, shall be able to investigate the County Affairs Committee, and recommend action to the rest of the state legislature.

SECTION XII: The State of Firestone state legislature shall enforce this bill.

Respectfully submitted to the Firestone State Legislature,

Senator JamesDitomosso,
Chief-Sponsor, Author

Representative Jordan_Chime,

Senator T4NJ1M,

Representative Clonemep,

Representative Frixtro,


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