Cops FRPing

But you need to specify this lol, this is like saying “somethings wrong, but idk what, but you must fix it”


Well it’s also not my choice to make what they do, I leave that up to the people who do it.


But you are showing some disagreement, so you should come up with what’s the actual problem and suggest on how to fix it…?


Be more strict on what is classified as FRP. Because personally I think cuffing someone while evading on foot (didn’t get tased batoned or anything) shouldn’t be allowed.


I think the definition is pretty clear and does not need to be more strict.

“Cuff-rushing” is not allowed except under certain circumstances. Those circumstances only include the following: If the user continuously logs on the officer but they are unable to cuff them in-time; if the user continuously seeks attention and leaves the scene upon pursuit; if the user continuously fail roleplays and the officer is unable to grab them appropriately; or if the user is glitching and/or exploiting the game."


punishments of leo’s are not even close to harsher… leo’s get out of so many bans for so many fucked up situations cause they complain to the founders and they don’t want to hear it. in fact leo’s should get harsher punishments as they should be more aware of the rules versus a brand new player


POST doesn’t dictate what is and what isn’t fail roleplay, the game moderation team does - more specifically the founders.

You can read all of the “FRP” rules here.


just report them if you have proof then?




didnt ASK


Hello, Ryidied

To address many things from an older member’s perspective. Failure to roleplay will always be a thing. Even back when to version one (1) alpha. Some members purposely chose to ignore roleplay in better interests. Even law enforcement tended to break roleplay guidelines issues in the past.

In terms of this, I agree with you. This is not a standard anyone should themselves too. If a suspect is evading and failing to listen to compliance commands issued by law enforcement officers. Officers should resort to using a taser or non-lethal options to stop or reduce the pace of a suspect. So that suspect can be captured.

I agree as well with this statement. I have seen this personally on multiple accounts but did not get specific names. After many pursuits, I have seen failed attempts of a high-risk stop, that ended up the officers immediately exiting the vehicle and “rushing” with a baton and physically beat the driver so the player would jump and grabbing cuffs.

With all due respect, I do not agree with that statement. The game moderator’s initial creation was to combat the exploiters and members who fully heartily dissented any terms with game rules. Examples of this were before car dealership became a “safe-zone” and upon spawn. These members would rush to buy a gun and massacre any member that spawned in (spawn killers). Game moderators cannot supervise roughly 200 law enforcement officers and the hundreds of civilians that enter the servers daily.

Should Law Enforcement Officers get more strict punishments for breaking rules
This is the question of all questions that have been asked since day one of Firestone. The way I see it is, are all the rules gonna be more strict? What punishments would vary from an officer to a civilian? Such as if a civilian were to break a rule it would be a 24-hour ban. But if a law enforcement officer were to break it would it a 48-hour ban, 1-week ban, or what. What if the law enforcement officer was on the civilian team would the LEO clause still hold? What if it’s over something simple that could be resolved from a department standpoint and not a game moderator standpoint. What if it’s a training issue due to the fact it’s more than one person doing it. There are too many questions for me to answer this one-sided due to the number of variables and reasons behind the violation in question.

Sorry if this didn’t help a lot.


Former Assistant Warden
Former Firestone State Patrol Sergeant (x2)
Former Stapleton County Sheriff’s Office Corporal (x2)
Former Stapleton County Fire Department: Emergency Medical Technician
Former Representative
Former Senator
Former District Judge
Former Boating and Waterways Secretary
Former Department of Public Safety Secretary
Former Firestone National Guard General


Go away rearlay, people with IQ under 50 are having conversation in different topic


If you see cops FRPING then report it and submit a complaint to the department. Simple


Tbh I think the current punishments are enough. What do you think “more strict punishment” would look like.


I believe you forget the difference between a legal matter and a game moderation matter. First of all, if you want to generalize LEOs for alleged FRPing, I suggest you provide evidence of it actually happening and what you are trying to prove. Generally LEOs cuff rush because the suspect is the one who FRPs first for example, running through a car during a foot pursuit or flipping a vehicle during a pursuit. In your second point regarding the FBI agent popping your tire, this would be more of a department matter as its not FRP. If a LEO is caught breaking this rule, they can be banned for it which I think is already a strict punishment since it is not a department issue, depending on the severity. When you say “Cops”, you are pretty much making a generalization of every LEO within the State of Firestone which is why it would be nice if you at least had some proof to show your point. You could also specify what stricter punishments, in your opinion, should be issued instead of blatantly saying “get more strict punishments.”


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