When you have to report every comment against you trying to get them all removed… So I repeat, in a more PG way to please those kids:
How about noooo
You crazy dutch B***ard
When you have to report every comment against you trying to get them all removed… So I repeat, in a more PG way to please those kids:
How about noooo
You crazy dutch B***ard
wait are we not allowed to say bastard?
No support.
Relevant Question:
Why is Coop still Relevant?
i find it funny you all are complaining about this dudes actions when HALF of you people supported scrib who did almost the same stuff (maybe take some of it out)
and look where scrib went. absolutely funny.
absolutely not the same stuff
i did NOT feed information TO GANG MEMBERS whilst employed
i ran for senate HALF A YEAR after i leaked anything. this man did it LAST month.
i am running for senate NOW over 11 MONTHS after i leaked ANYTHING. i’ve done two successful terms with no issues at all. next month, not even a month into the term, will mark a YEAR since it happened.
i don’t have any issues with you besides you can’t get over what happened a year ago in a game
ah yes something that happened a year ago.
this has been fixed so you need another issue to base your campaign on
Good guy, no support
ok but coop’s actions were literally weeks ago, where scribs were very old, and scrib has proven himself over time to be reliable. If coop did the same I bet we’d feel the same. Its all based on regaining trust.
No support. Your FBI stuff is too recent imo.
Fuck knows, the kid reported my comment the first time for saying crazy Dutch bastard and that he has the maturity of a toddler
so telling the truth is against forum rules now???
Ye what’s new?
Campaigning has closed.