City Police Departments?

Assuming they’re secondary positions, if three secondaries were allowed by default it would be good because a lot of people will replace their current secondaries such as SCFD, DOT, DPW, DOH, etc for these smaller police departments that don’t take up their primary spot.

That sounds like complete nonsense to me. Basically you’re telling me people aren’t playing Firestone because we don’t have a PD. That doesn’t make sense, I can’t exactly tell how Firestone would get more players but certainly PD’s would not help.

I agree, we need more focus on businesses and other departments like SCFD, DOT DPW DOA etc, cops and robbers gets boring and creates trust issues between public and police, if too many people do crime.


I know everyone wants v3 and Firestone overall to be realistic but if you make this game way to realistic the game would be boring.

For example, Fed said DHS will guard capital (boring), FNG bunker (mega boring) and banks (maybe boring). If DHS is going to be at bank 24/7 then criminals wont feel like boring it saying “DhS iS cAmPiNg BaNk” and then we have to read an thread by a criminal about that issue. Plus, most Government properties (besides FNG) are actually legitimately breachable (unless they make it breachable for criminals)

This depends on the activity of the cities, for example each city has to be unique in their own way. If RW ends up being the most active city in v3 like v2 then other city police would be boring.

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there is so much more stuff i want to say but im lazy and feel like most of the things wont even be read.

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I mean, one of the reasons why player count is low is because you have to do apps and trainings 2 times to get in a LEO department, Honestly stuff like POST and training is just way out of its time.


the firestone department of corrections has facilities to house government officials for their safety


Perhaps a direct entry program like what FFA has with SCFD would encourage people.


Most cities and towns in America have their own Police Department.


I’ve always been under the impression that having city police departments was redundant because the county sheriff department is legally able to provide all the same services in the state.

It’s smarter and more efficient to have one department that serves the entire region than having depleted departments serving many different municipalities and counties.


I feel like their would be too many LEO departments

maybe one city pd for like prom since it’s big and spawn but I don’t see a need when redwood and arbor are mostly farmland and rural


People from Ridgeway don’t play Firestone because they claim that it is unrealistic and we don’t have city police departments. All we have is a state patrol and a sheriff’s office and I know several people that don’t play the game because of that.

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We literally have so many departments and businesses that do that kind of stuff so it doesn’t really matter. It would make our roleplay better and more realistic if we had more departments.


This idea sounds pretty good but I ultimately don’t think it would work.

Currently we have 5 Law Enforcement Agencies within the state being FSP, SCSO, DHS, FBI, and DOC. If you were to add an additional 3 LEAs to the state then it would only result in having more LEAs literally doing the same job but in different jurisdictions. Having 8 LEAs would only make it harder for departments to recruit members. Something else that no one wants to see is having 30 cops online in a server while there’s like 10 PEs and like 20 civilians.

One way that this could potentially work is if you shutdown at least 2 departments and implement a structure that Ridgeway or Mayflower has. Essentially, what this would mean is to have FSP, SCSO and then the 3 City PDs as the major LEAs in the state. FSP would have patrol the highways, SCSO would patrol the rural roads and unincorporated areas of the state and the City PDs would patrol their own cities. Shutting down DHS, FBI and DOC would make this easier to incorporate.


i don’t regard doc as law enforcement per se. they do not have arrest powers. their job is to contain and keep inmates in a certain area. the job of a CO is different from the job of a police officers. you are comparing apples and orange

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Uhhh news flash: they do


I know, but this is firestone. Realism is only good to a certain extent. There are greater factors than realism to be considered.


to clear up the confusion i was replying to genner saying fsp and crt could be merged with swat, and how that would not work out if that’s what he meant.


Yes please!

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Not a clue if anyone else has said this but, Firestone can barely sustain its current crop of LEA/LEO/FD/PW/Businesses, how can it be expected to then sustain further City PDs?? Additionally each City PD will go onto start up, and request more and more, bringing them up to the same level as SCSO. Why not just strengthen SCSO and improve their stations to be placed in nice central locations for each town, which could be supported by municipalities actually working with SCSO more often for events.

If we go to add more PD’s we add further strain to the development aspect, and I don’t just mean “oh god poor diddums they had to add in an extra five cars” I mean the strain on the community when arguing and debating about “Why does Prominence get to have a Taurus but not Redwood?? This is just founder favoritism” or “Bro Arborfield has a Heliport, why don’t we get helicopters, ugh this is so shit” leading into the inevitable downfall of municipal PDs.

In short, bad idea, there are too many disastrous outcomes which outweigh the minuscule positive ones.


Honestly I couldn’t care less about what some guy from ridgeway thinks about Firestone. Firestone is a very realistic game, and PDs would be completely useless. First of all a police department is optional in a county, so we aren’t unrealistic. Also this game needs to focus less on police and crime. It’s just better to have a sheriff office and state police (and federal LEAs) that can patrol almost everywhere, then 3 police departments that can only patrol in their small cities. Getting away from a PD would be extremely easy even with a crown vic or even on foot, because the cities are small and it’s fast to get out of them, where cops can’t chase you. Also cities lime arborfield would barely have employees, because most of crime is in redwood and prominence. Law enforcement in Firestone works very well as it is right now. 8 law enforcement agencies is too much. Also there’s security businesses.