Signature Deadline:02/6/2025 @ 11:15 PM EST Election Sponsor: Mayor bearzno
Candidacy Requirements
Candidates must collect five (5) signatures on a support forum. The support forum must not be created before the date of this election announcement.
Once the required signatures are obtained, candidates must submit a link to their support post on this forum to be officially recognized.
Election Rules
Candidates may not have any outstanding warrants, no more than two misdemeanor arrests, or one felony arrest. More than one felony conviction or two misdemeanor convictions shall additionally disqualify candidates.
Any other rules specified by any law are applied here, including Election laws
Election Schedule
Campaigning Begins:02/03/2025 @ 11:15 PM EST(Tonight!) Campaigning Ends:02/6/2025 @ 11:15 PM EST Voting Opens:02/6/2025 @ 11:20 PM EST Voting Closes:02/7/2025 @ 11:20 PM EST
For any questions or concerns, please contact the Election Sponsor, Mayor bearzno.