Funpark22 for Arborfield Councilor FOR A FOURTH TIME!

Vote Funpark22 for Arborfield Councilor for a fourth time

Hello! I’m Funpark22, some of you know me as the Chief public defender, Firefighter-Paramedic, Commerce Inspector, Ranger Sergeant, or a Director! But most importantly, a former Arborfield City Councilor x3, and a former State Representative. I’m running for Arborfield council so I can continue my legislative career at a smaller level without interfering with the rest of my positions


FDPW: Public Employee, Senior Public Employee, Supervisor, Division Coordinator, Director
DOCM: Commerce Inspector
FPS: Ranger III, II, I
SCSO: Deputy and Deputy First Class
DOT: Public Employee
DOBW: Watercraft Technician
Class 69 of POST: Graduate and Speaker + FF/EMT-P certified
SCFD: Fire-Medic
Arborfield: x3 City Councilor and last term I was the CHAIRPERSON
HoR: Representative x1
FFA: JTO | Dual Focus
DoJ: Chief Public Defender


Legislative Amendments:
I’ve recently taken a class on Law in my High School. During the class, I’ve realized that numerous of our ordinances are missing key details and this city is missing some ordinances all together. I’m going to continue this to ensure that our laws are up to date with a constantly evolving community and city.

Last term I was the chairperson. The real only contact I had with my council is to create sessions and communication between the city attorney and the mayor. This time around I plan to be more involved within the council and try to help the Mayor this next term.

LEO Connection:
The APD or Arborfield Police Department hasn’t had many events during this last term. For this next term, I’ll take it upon myself to get more events for our police officers to connect with you. It’s also my responsibility as a councilor to ensure that the executive branch of the city is kept in check.

DOCM Connection:
On top of low LEO connection to our city, I feel we can also increase the amount of DOCM events happening within our city. I’ll ensure that the DOCM and our business have a clear line of connection. Also, that the people of Arborfield will see more DOCM and Arborfield business events.


I thank all of you for reading this and once again, please support me and vote for me in the coming election. If you have any questions, don’t feel afraid to DM me at Funpark22

Chairperson Funpark22, esq

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I support this thug fellow councilmember!

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Clone supports


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support :slight_smile:

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i support