Butsworth and OfficerVideoGame for Firestone

Google Docs version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ghargYThB-E3Xt7SXaTey6-K6mqMscsU/view?usp=sharing

2018 September Gubernatorial Elections
Campaign Speech for Butsworth and OfficerVideoGame

“A Better Era for a Great State.”

Table of Contents

  1. Opening
  2. Candidates
  3. Leadership in Government
  4. Executive Branch
  5. Legislative Branch
  6. Judicial Branch & Department of Justice
  7. Nominees (exec & judicial)
  8. Goals
  9. Conclusion


The nature of Firestone politics is that they’re filled with politicians. People who are concerned about votes, their support, and getting re-elected. They don’t truly care for the ideas of citizens, unless it’s popular, and they don’t care for holding their fellow politicians accountable. All they care about is securing enough support, enough votes, to get re-elected and stay in power. This is deeply wrong and doesn’t truly reflect how a proper democracy should work. That is why Butsworth and OfficerVideoGame have decided to run for the offices of Governor and Lieutenant Governor, respectively. We don’t want another person who only cares for their re-election, and staying in power, keeping power, and leading this state downhill. We need a leader, someone who will hold everyone accountable under the law. Someone who will make sure every department excels at their tasks. We want to accomplish our goals and actually listen to the citizens, that is why we are running. We ask that you examine our plans, offer suggestions, and offer new ideas for us to consider and implement. We run because of you, and we run for you.

Personal letters from the candidates;


“I’m not one for speeches, in reality, it’s only a conversation with a large group of people with most of the material usually being exaggerated. I’ve spent most of my professional life busting my ass in the cabinet trying to make my respected departments function properly and usually excel at said task. Never had I ever planned or wished to obtain a cabinet position, it came at me with no warning. When I left FDOC, DHS secretary rolerain introduced me to the department, long story short after not even a week I became the first secret service agent and eventually climbed the ladder until earning the position of ss advisor. When secretary rolerain resigned I had been left with nothing, never before had I held a command position. Even though there was nothing for me to work with as most of the command staff resigned along with many agents. I held on to the sinking department and got right to work. After having a plethora of all-nighters I eventually wrote an entirely new curriculum, created new tactics, hired an entirely new command staff and made the department into the most respected and effective department for its time. Another department I turned around is the department of state, this story is a long one so get a pillow ready. Before becoming secretary of state, my predecessor, ienchantment hadn’t done anything with the department except ally blockfield. Governor Laffy (before he died) came to me and asked if I wished to become the secretary of state, after pondering for some time, the position was mine. The first-day entering office, foreign policy was established alongside with the diplomacy academy, the ambassadorship program was opened and the trellos were made. From there everything was set, the department had the resources required to succeed. Each day I’d head on and go visit another state to promote firestone abroad in the community. Throughout my time as Secretary of State, multiple crises have been averted and Firestone was never placed into an unpreferable situation or poorly made treaty forcing us to offer foreign aid to an incompetent sovereign state. Now seeing as this has been dragged I’ll move onto my time in FNG. When I first joined the national guard, major general surreal was leading the whole operation. Once my sessions were completed I became an active member of the guard and made it to first sergeant within my first month of joining. At FNG I got to meet many people and friended many of my colleagues, many of whom I still speak with to this day. This is all I could fit into this large segment, thanks for reading.”

If you’re lazy I’ll summarize everything here
Governor’s Chief of Staff
Secretary of State
Secretary of Homeland Security
FNG First Sergeant
FBI Special Agent
FDOC Assistant Warden


“Most people know who I am and know what I stand for. I’ve been in Firestone since 2016 when it started. I got elected to the Senate first time and gained much experience in the legislature. I got re-elected, and my efforts were recognized by Speaker Kolibob. When he got Governor (after shayner aa’d the discord), he chose me to lead as Lieutenant Governor. There, I gained experience for about how to be a Presiding Officer, learning how to properly keep sessions in order. When Kolibob went rogue, and I got governor for 2 weeks, I initiated a new gubernatorial election. After that, I moved to the House of Representatives, where I was Speaker Pro Tempore for half a term before I resigned. I got DPS Secretary and turned that department into a successful (and hated) department that successfully rooted out corruption. After that, I was picked by Gibson_SG to be Lieutenant Governor again. Then, I began planning out my run for Governor with Pwnzor_Sausage. Gibson_SG resigned, and I was Governor again, alongside Pwnzor_Sausage. We were re-elected in a landslide, and we served our terms effectively and strongly, no resignations, next to no scandals. We ran polls, made sure the public was represented properly. I left the realm of Firestone politics after that term, becoming Solicitor General, then Chief of Staff. There, I have been helping the Governor and State in the Executive Branch and Supreme Court. I’m excited to throw my hat back into the ring, and be back in the Legislative branch, especially the Senate, the place where I started.

Here’s my resume:
Senator from 6/25/16 - 12/28/17 (elected twice)
Lieutenant Governor from 12/29/16- 1/2/17
Interim Governor from 1/2/17 to 1/13/17
Senator (again) from 1/22/17 to 5/18/17
Representative from 5/20/17 - 6/10/17
DPS Secretary (Cabinet) from 6/24/17 - 12/2/17
Lieutenant Governor (again) from 12/2/17 - 12/16/17
Interim Governor (again) from 12/16/17 - 1/16/18
Governor (RE-ELECTED) from 1/17/18 - 5/17/18
Currently Solicitor General since 6/3/18
Currently Chief of Staff since 7/9/18

(both candidates are not running under any political party)

Leadership in Government
As of now, the current leadership within the government at the state level has been unstable and clearly lacking throughout the current term. Officials have also forgotten about the electorate, leaving the people who elected them without representation or anybody to defend them. Under the Butsworth & OfficerVideoGame administration there will be a significant change when it comes to leadership at the state level and to people are interacted with and represented. There will be weekly press releases, rallies, public forums and a new system will be made in order for the people to be heard. Both Butsworth and OfficerVideoGame will work vigorously in order to produce an effective government, one which takes lead and handles all issues strongly, with no fear of political ramifications. Progress will be made, but throughout this process the opinions and suggestions from the people will be respected and taken seriously. However, both of us won’t forget the interests of the state and what must be done in order for Firestone to continue smooth operation. We will balance both loyalty to the people and state, and the amount of progress we’re making within the government will be for the public to judge so we may adapt if needed.

Executive Branch
Throughout the few last administrations, the quality of the cabinet has dropped significantly, meetings have been all but forgotten and weekly reports have been abandoned. Currently, the cabinet is lead by nobody, there aren’t any expectations or tasks to be completed as they haven’t been assigned. Under Butsworth and OfficerVideoGame, all of this will change and new policies will be put into place in order to ensure an effective and functional cabinet. One of the first things that’ll be done is the review of all departments and their leadership, from there the cabinet will receive their task and be given their deadline. Cabinet meetings will be making a return alongside with personal meetings being established, allowing for cabinet members to speak in private to personally address their department about it needs or concerns. Every week, a review and meeting will be held regarding all departments in order to ensure progress is being made and all assignments have been completed. The next step is to work on public relations. As of now the chief of staff isn’t chief of anything but themselves, internal work will be done to allow for a press core to be established in order to inform the citizens of the administration’s work and progress of said week. After a staff has been established the governor will plan to hold weekly public forums with the cabinet so citizens may state concerns or questions they may have. A plethora of plans have been made and if elected, these plans will become a reality.

Legislative Branch
Under Lieutenant Governor OfficerVideoGame, the Legislative Branch, and more specifically, the Senate, will be reborn. Activity will be the number 1 priority. Strikes and chamber specific resolutions will be used to enforce activity policies. As we’ve seen many times before, an inactive chamber produces no results and delays the legislative process. At a minimum, sessions will be scheduled to occur once a week, to keep the flow of laws and bills proceeding. Another task is to make more committees regarding issues in our State. This is a better way for our congressmen to address their constituents. (ie: Council regarding Law Enforcement, Petitions, etc). Plans will be made to implement forms so you can testify in front of the committee regarding issues. The legislative branch should be the branch that is the closest to its citizens, the people that elected them there. Impeachments will be tweaked to prevent and punish nixoning (immediate court case, DOJ would press for max time possible), and make impeachments more realistic (house sends “managers” which are basically prosecutors to present their case to Senate. The accused & his counsel then present their case. Senators ask questions, deliberate, and vote). Specific plans for laws can be found in the “Goals” section, as this section is more related to how Congress will operate.

Judicial Branch & Department of Justice
The Department of Justice, for too long, has been under the Executive Branch and has done nothing. We plan to make the Department of Justice more independent than years previous, limiting interference from the Executive Branch. Adding special counsels to examine members of government without interference shall be of the utmost importance. Increasing the number of criminal cases would also be a goal, as we wish for more prosecution to take place. Thus, we’d help the Attorney General create a form to file criminal requests. Nothing required, something optional to do if that one criminal “committed so many offenses” or “tried their hardest to be annoying and screw me over”, or if you want to “excel” and file charges on every single arrest (seriously not recommended). With the high amount of cases, it is very important we have numerous active judges to handle these cases. We’d like 5 District Court Justices, 1-2 Appeals Justices, and around 3 Associate Justices of the Supreme Court (including the CCJ) to serve in the Judicial Branch. All current justices are qualified, active, thus, we will only fill vacant seats (plus there’s no grounds/any reason to impeach any of them).

The entirety of the Cabinet & Judicial Nominations can be found here, on this spreadsheet. As we’ve said before, failure to make progress in our Cabinet, now or previously, will not be tolerated. Running against us to create your own administration will not be tolerated (explained further here).

Here’s a general bullet point list of what we want to do during our term.

  • Implement a Criminal Code to eliminate the current mess of having a million laws and defining different things, some of which may be out of date ( thanks to “All laws in conflict are hereby declared null and void”)

  • Work to codify ALL laws under their own titles (IE: Title 1 could be regarding Congress, Title 2 could be regarding Governor, etc), with their own sub-sections and clauses (structured like the United States Code).

Some may call both of these impossible. We call this completely possible, through many weeks of work. Making our legislative system simple, easy to read, and easily amenable will be our greatest feat. We want our Government to succeed in informing the people of how it should work.

  • Limit Executive Orders. They’re king orders that should only be used to solve problems quickly. Pushing most, if not all, of our agenda through Congress to get their approval first is desired to truly represent what we want.

Turn the State Department into a “General Affairs” Department. Secretary of State and Chief of Staff will work together to progress this department. This includes subdivisions like:

  • Press Corps

Includes the media (needs a valid twitter/roblox/whatever account) and is the main release point for all press releases, orders, etc.

  • Firestone Elections Committee

Includes the Attorney General, Secretary of State, Chief of Staff, Political Party overseers, a Senator and Representative (elected by their respective chamber), and up to 10 willing citizens who apply for the position (requires support from at least 2 of the 3 following people: The Attorney General, Secretary of State, or Chief of Staff).

  • Foreign Affairs

Yes. The Department of State will still have Foreign affairs under its belt, as usual, with ambassadors. However, it’s no-longer its only focus of the Department.

  • Petition Response:

Will be comprised of up to 3 citizens who will constantly respond to petitions on behalf of the Governor/Government (depending on the issue being petitioned for).

  • “oh your just ripping off mayflowers idea for the dept of state lame go get a real original plan idiot”

Each state in the United States has its own State Department, which typically runs state-elections, businesses, notaries, etc. This is what our ideas are based off of. Also, moving public affairs Executive Branch has to deal with (press corps & petitions) that aren’t the highest priority under the Department of State ensures they’re completed at reasonable times. Keeping progress going is very important.

Time and time again in this document you may have seen something regarding petitions. Under our administration, petitions will be heard and responded to quickly. We want you to voice your opinion. We want you to voice your opinion in front of Congress (State governments typically allow you to testify in front of your own state legislature committees if you sign up for it). Voicing your opinion will be recognized by our administration, and we will act upon it. It’s your right to petition. Use it, we welcome it.

All in all, we want to be there for you. We want to make everything more simple, so that it is easy to understand. Our plans are bold and ambitious because we want to make change. We aren’t another set of politicians. Unlike the rest of this speech, let’s keep this simple. We want to work with you to make the best departments that run to their highest potential, with all the resources they need, and easy access to the laws of our State. We thank you for taking time to read our speech, and we hope we’ve earned your support.


Candidate for Governor

Candidate for Lieutenant Governor


Will you allow gays in the State to have basic citizen rights?

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Support. (please build a mosque.)

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Butsworth, you seem very well capable of running this state along with OfficerVideoGame.
OfficerVideoGame, you’ve ran this state multiple times and you are very well experienced so I know you can help Butsworth as his LT Governor.

I hope you get elected for this election and serve a good term. Good luck to the both of you.


A series of questions for each candidates to which I will ask on their forums respectively. The best answer will get my support and endorsement throughout this entire campaign.

Question 1
Within the past months, the House and Senate has seen a divide. Additionally, one of the chambers within the beginning of the state has seen to be very inefficient and very inactive. As the Governor and Lieutenant Governor, your duty is to serve the state, how will you approach this problem with the position you will gain?

Question 2
The County has never been able to properly operate due to the lack of resources. The State has always done the job of what a County would do. As the supposed-incoming Governor and Lieutenant Governor, how will you approach this problem? Clearly both of you understand that the County will not go abolished.

Question 3
As for the last question, pineapple on pizza or pizza on pineapple?



~ CertifiedLaw

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Trooper Nerf_Law

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I concur with envielope

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I support!

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I can agree with a majority of this, although like all politicians, there are some hiccups and things left out that I would rather be changed or included.

Senator LivingWarcrime



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Question 1
Its obvious the Senate has been far behind the House this tenure. As stated in my speech,

I concur fully, high inactivity is what screws over the legislative branch as a whole, even if its only one chamber. Plans stated above.

Question 2
The County needs proper guidance and a proper realm to operate. We hope our new Firestone Code will give them something to actually do other than cause controversy. They should regulate traffic infractions, which can be numerous, and general misdemeanors that aren’t essential to state law. Our State Code should be the “Federal” code, outlines what needs to be done and how, and the really important stuff (felonies, impeachments, court work, etc). The County also needs to form the District Attorneys office to prosecute for offenses of County Law, which should be better defined in our Code. Having SCSO be the end all be all “enforce all of our stuff” wont work.

Question 3

I hope I’ve answered your questions well.

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Support and Endorsed,

Excited to see an active congressional chamber as a whole if i am given the opportunity to continue my tenure as speaker next cycle.

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As the Official Handler of Nukes for the Butsragan Administration I formerly Support and Endorse this run

Nuke Handler
Security Services, LLC Chief Executive Officer

pizza on pizza

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yay go ovg

i completely support and endorse this campaign


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Gotta love my Sos and CoS

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