Announcement from ovg

HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM :thinking::thinking::thinking:

If you get elected will your head come back? @OfficerVideoGame

you’re a lemon

I’m sorry, no u


The OfficerVideoGame & Butsworth campaign affirms that it would still select @fobagosalot to lead the Firestone State Patrol.


no bad boi

You have my full support.

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ok in all honesty nobody will give a flying doodle about this situation by the time you’re elected

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He’s still getting the job, regardless of this event.

Butsworth and I have see the success of him and how he perfectly fits our ideal picture of a cabinet member. Strong leader, doesnt put up with bullshit, gets shit done (like you). That’s what we want. He fits that trait better than anyone else who is even in the running for superintendent.

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i am pleased with your feedback mr chief of staff :blush:

anyway speaking realistically, lets say bjohn nominates a really good superintendent rn, and everybody adjusts to him in like 24 hours (because that’s what happens everytime a big incident happens) - are you guys really going to risk removing somebody who may be doing their job perfectly at the time of your term?

Circumstances always can change, but I doubt there is someone who is a really good superintendent that fits our standards. If there is one, obviously we’ll reconsider, but I’m pretty confident there isn’t one.

and to make this public on the thread

yes the bighead returns if we get elected


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regarding the entire underwood “scandal”

bringing this back in light of the election releases

go ovg!!!

Speech link! Butsworth and OfficerVideoGame for Firestone

We’re excited to be running!

YES! Let him come back

they grow up so fast…