Business Developer Support

I know there’s been other posts like this but it’s a thing that I’m still noticing, so I’m making this post just from general observation from following Commerce’s operations for the past year, being an Inspector in DoCM and also being a business owner and I just want to get everyone else’s thoughts on this.

A lot of businesses have to wait months just to even get their logo put on their business and then there are some businesses that get loads of developer support. Let’s use the most recent one to get dev support, Firestone Broadcasting Company. Now, it is owned and staffed by what I’m going to class as “friends” of the Founders. They’ve gotten more dev support in a matter of days of operating as a business than some have in months.

Do you see it as fair that people who know the Founders get better dev support than those who don’t?
I’m just going to say this again, this is not a rant or anything like that, it’s an observation I’ve noticed and wanted other people’s opinions.


Can relate I’ve been waiting 3 months to get the fricking logo in my property and some people get cars 2 weeks after starting


What did FBC get developmentally? Did they get new cars?

Also, what’s worthy to point out is that there never used to be this much support for businesses. The Quest Jeeps were the first ever thing to actually be implemented for businesses.

And also, FBC is well-run and well-organized, and it has an actual role in Firestone. The majority of other businesses are either run poorly or have little reason to get dev support.


yes sir, reskinned fnn ones

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that is not true at all. FBC has existed for a WEEK. there is no way to tell if it’s a good business in a WEEK. How about the business that has daily shifts? they got NOTHING. there have been businesses that are very well run and structured, but go inactive because they can’t find an influx of employees due to lack of dev support.


So, FBC has a vehicle which I get is just a retextured FNN vehicle but that’s still something in a matter of days/weeks of being a registered business. Like Rodrik said above, he’s been waiting 3 months to get something as simple as having a logo replaced on his property.


also, no hate to fbc, they have good quality news. but they dont deserve dev support if they existed for a week, yet others are more deserving


And also, FBC is well-run and well-organized

that is not true at all. FBC has existed for a WEEK. there is no way to tell if it’s a good business in a WEEK.

I agree with what Lego said. They got their permit on the 9th, that’s no time at all to tell if they’re a good business or not and whether they deserve dev support more than others.

it has an actual role in Firestone. The majority of other businesses are either run poorly or have little reason to get dev support.

And other businesses don’t? The whole point of Commerce is to provide an RP experience to people and a lot of businesses are amazing at that. There’s only a minority of businesses that get their permit that turn out to be bad businesses and get their permit revoked on their renewal.


I think capital gas deserves it and FNN do since there both massive and have been around for a long time. I don’t think any other business should get much more than the property WITH LOGOS


and quest


I didn’t know FBC got cars.

Even though I like the look of FBC I think this is a bit too far, considering that they only recently got their commerce license. Obviously, the Co-Founder attributing to the business is likely to be a cause…

I don’t think anyone is arguing against FBC getting cars in and of itself but rather the fact that other businesses are being treated unfairly, which is accurate in some respects.

I’d also like to note that I’m pretty sure FBC has more actual assets to fund their business as they have a custom domain. I don’t think businesses should be in any way judged by anything outside of in-game/in-community contents, and not everyone can afford custom domains.


The problem is the double standard for different businesses. If everyone claims “Omg you can’t give that business assets because I don’t have them as well!” then there would never be any progress


CGOF and Quest definitely deserve dev support because they are amazing businesses with unique ideas but I disagree with FNN in its current state. If FNN were to become a more well-functioning business then I might agree that they deserve it but they get dev support because its a Founder business.


the fact that other businesses are being treated unfairly, which is accurate in some respects.

This is why I made the forum post to highlight it once again since it’s still happening.

I don’t think businesses should be in any way judged by anything outside of in-game/in-community contents

I totally agree, it’s cool they have their own domain and that shouldn’t affect the way their judged but it’s the in-game things that I’m on about.


Yeah, Sam and I are friends, and yes that influenced him getting developer support. But if I am being honest, if I haven’t heard about your business, you probably aren’t going to get developer support. The next business that is planned for developer support is Pigeon’s food stand. They are active everyday and I always see them roleplaying their stand in v2, and they definitely deserve something.

When you stand out and we notice you, you’ll eventually get something. But it’s just pointless for us to give you stuff if all you are going to do is make promises that will die out one week later.


They only started getting support recently


Then I think you need to be more active in v2.


The thing about pigeons is it is directly across the street from CD so kids see a crowd and go to it


Ive seen them on alot


ok thats true, nevermind


This is because we’re not able to host shifts. We are not a restaurant, we are not an establishment, nor can we conduct/do anything as majorities in the game, we’re a news station for the State of Firestone.

We have our writers go on ride-alongs, write stories on their free times and do reviews about local DOCM businesses. We also have two upcoming shows Firestone-related, in which one isn’t directly in V2, but revolves around the community, politics and people.

Our site below shows that we do things in & outside of the game, reporting on situations such as the “Travel ban”, incidents occurring with congress members, etc.

(this was in response to us being a week old and not hosting shifts, idk why it replied to that particular message)