I, BendDerOver, and my Lieutenant Governor candidate TristonL1345 are announcing ourselves in the running for the 2022-2 Firestone Gubernatorial Election.
Governor candidate,
“Hello, I am Governor candidate BendDerOver and I am focused on Making Firestone Great Again. As some of you know, Firestone has fallen under some major corruption recently from previous administrations, especially the current one. I am looking to shine Firestone in a new direction through community relations (listening to the voice of the community, sharing my opinions with the community without fears of being shot down, etcetera). While I may not have hard experience, I have been monitoring and keeping up on executive actions during the current administration and the previous float administration and evaluated what I can do to lead to greater things for the betterment of this State. I believe my views will be beneficiary to my candidacy and help supply the members of this community with a true and transparent administration. One that will uphold all morals and values and ensure the voice and rights of their citizens are heard! Trust is our number one priority and something I hold closest to me as my moral and ethical obligation. I look forward to working with each and every citizen if I am elected.”
Lieutenant Governor candidate,
“Hello I am TristonL12345 and I am running alongside Governor candidate BendDerOver as his Lieutenant Governor candidate. We are focused on Making Firestone Great Again. We both have been keeping up with executive branch, however, I have seen where every administration fails and the main reason is that they claim to listen to the people and what they want and then a couple of weeks in they stop cut off all communication with the citizens. Throughout our entire Administration, we will be releasing frequent polls to see if we are serving the citizens of Firestone in the proper way and how we can improve as we are looking to improve every day. Along with this, we will ensure that Firestone is not taken as a joke in foreign affairs and ensure that everyone in the state and out of state gets along and we will not stop until this is done no matter how long it takes.”
- Fixing foreign relations (New York incident and working it out with next administration and administrations to come);
- Ensuring the integrity of the Executive Branch and what it stands for (Opening a complete and full investigation into the Aigio incident and not leaving bits and pieces out for the public to not be able to see);
- Revamping the Firestone Department of Public Safety and reviewing it’s policies and its toxic relationships it has set out with the community (Reviewing the possible involvement of corruption and complete violation of morals and ethics that should be upheld by the Public Safety Administration);
- Working alongside with businesses to provide better working environments and overall moral (Reviewing the Department of Commerce’s policies and ensuring a voice with small scale and large scale business owners);
- Opening a full scale investigation into the Firestone Department of Justice and the termination of Attorney General Wolf_RBX;
- Reviewing the Firestone State Patrol’s alleged inactivity and concerns within the Firestone State Patrol Administration and command (i.e. recently a Lieutenant Colonel was relieved of his position due to this exact nature);
- Expressing toxicity concerns to the Cabinet and their department members as we move towards a more transparent and open Firestone;
- Seeking to increase the expungement rates and those who wish to expunge their records in a timely manner (i.e. we disapprove of any legislative actions against expungements or pardons as we believe this is a direct target on the criminals of the State, especially a State that should give second chances to those who truly seek it, and we definitely plan to continue pardons as that is a good thing the previous administration did do);
- Plans to step up the defense of this State and increase nuclear readiness and overall defense readiness as a result of possible retaliation with the way the previous administration handled foreign affairs;
- Focus on concerns of public safety personnel (specifically firefighters and EMS responders as previous administrations tend to ignore the fact that firefighters and paramedics uphold a great responsibility with the lives of citizens being in their hands);
- Focusing on the Firestone Department of Homeland Security and their specific inactivity (We understand that they are in a unique situation with plans of FDHS being disbanded in V3, we intend on discussing the department’s future with the Homeland Security Administration and ways we can obtain a healthier and more active department as they provide great assets to us here in V2 and the State in general);
- Ensuring POST is upheld to its utmost standards as set by a lacking previous administration with the resignation of multiple employees, and the changing of command in a rapid-fire sense and the utter toxicity displayed towards them (i.e. POST investigation released under the previous administration involving numerous staff and their unnecessary terminations/disciplinary actions more).
This concludes the speech of our candidacy declaration, however we ensure to uphold everything we have claimed and ensure our transparency. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me (Camden R#2767) or my Lieutenant Governor candidate (Triston L.#7548) on Discord.