Bank of Firestone - Security Division


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Welcome to the Security Division part of the Bank of Firestone. Please read everything.

What is the Security Division for the Bank of Firestone?
A division that protects the redwood bank from any danger, mostly robberies.

What are the requirements to be Security?
Must have a CFCT Cert. This is the only way you can get a gun and protect the bank.

How will my money be safe from any criminals?
Your money gets put into the ATM, deposits and withdraws are roleplay because that isn’t a real feature yet.

How do I become Security?
Attend a tryout or applications once we make it. Pretty much all. If you pass the tryouts then you will be ranked to trainee. You MUST have a CFCT Cert.

Is Security hard?
It can be at times when fighting criminals. But most of the time it’s easy.
Who runs Security?
No overseer right now (the old one got promoted to Vice president after Danny resigned)
The Head of Security is @Josh_Lovelace
This is all of the information you need for clerks.

Thank you for reading,

Chief Executive Officer JasonBourneAxis


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