Citizens of the State of Firestone,

This is a letter to announce that ArezPP alongside Decruos/sourced_v will be running for Governor and Lieutenant Governor of the State of Firestone.


Greetings, many people know me as stopyouclown/ArezPP. I’ve been in this community for a while and have had many positions within this community such as: FSP Sergeant, FNG Captain, DHS:CRT Agent, FBI Special Agent, POST Instructor/AO. As those positions aren’t related towards the particular concept of the senate, it establishes a point in which it displays my seniority and experience within the community. I hope to make this as short and concise as possible.

As I currently don’t have a set of plans for the state, I hope to do whatever I can to fully ensure all citizens who play v2 are able to fully enjoy it without their rights being violated as well as ruining the gameplay. I hope to be a senator for the people.

Feel free to ask me any questions within discord (Arez#4875).

I hope to make this game enjoyable for everyone and I’m willing to take suggestions from anyone.

The State of Firestone takes the ro-state political scene too seriously. We need to take this state back to its original roots. I plan to run a NO BULLSHIT CAMPAIGN with ArezPP and I will ensure that this government provides a fair continuance of the legacy of Firestone.

As a Firestone veteran, I’ve seen this state go up and down on inexcusable scandals with no moral groundings. With this letter of intent, I will step up and create a legislative body that won’t be cringe.


The Department of Public Safety, indeed, is in a preferred spot over it was previously, under our organization, and will keep on winning. We intend to proceed to screen and work with the Department of Public Safety to guarantee that the guidelines are being met, and that the public keeps on having trust in the office, as it has recently attempted to do over past organizations. Apparently the Department of Homeland Security will tragically see an abolishment come adaptation 3, which has sadly prompted inspiration misfortune in the division. We intend to work with the Homeland Security Secretary to give whatever they need required to keep the division running during this time, and keep on guaranteeing that it keeps working to exclusive expectations until it’s last hours. Our organization will keep on offering help to our region and city companions like we have recently done before. We accept that regions have such a lot of potential, and that they should be taken note. With the two competitors having experience in the province, we comprehend how the area works and their requirements. Our organization will keep on keeping a functioning presence in Stapleton County, supporting the private area and communicating with the overall population. With Sourced_v’s involvement with legislative issues, the Senate will keep on prospering as it does under the ongoing Lieutenant Governor. Straightforwardness inside the Executive Branch will keep on assuming a part inside our organization. Our organization will keep on using the Executive Branch Press Corps and keep a functioning media presence.


fastest reply in the west (Im from NY tho) dude debates r sunday wdym u will release ur speech in the coming days?

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The speech has already been released dude :confused:

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5char ig


Fixed dude. Thanks.

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gotchu homie

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@pathwaysbball @FedoraMasterB98 this is not a troll campaign btw……

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(this forum makes me change what I said in my last body!)

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support, put him in debate

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